An age gap dating advice blog that provides valuable tips when dating older men and younger women. Thought-provoking relationship tips for older men seeking to date younger women. Please be advised to seek a professional for serious issues. Contributors are not all licensed or trained in relationship counseling. This blog is not for people under the age of 18.
Dating Younger Women (Blog) - Does Age Really Matter?
There simply are things that young women just don't understand or have the mindset to deal with concerning older men. Take for instance, life experiences and personal health woes, some younger women (not all of course) can't relate to men who are having a mid-life crisis no more than mature women. Older men have their share of the blues and the only thing that some young women can think of are their own selfish needs being met.
Now what about the older men who are a bit outdated and unwise? They gravitate to young women in the hopes that they will get sex and a companion. However, it doesn't work that way in time especially if there is no sincere connection with the young lady. A number of young women feel doubtful about the May-December relationship and question what really is the older guy's motives for even considering them. "I'm broke, still learning things about life...why is he really bothering with me when he could be with someone his own age?" Whatever the reason an older male comes up with to make the inquisitive,young woman feel secure, it isn't good enough. She most likely will move on sooner or later.
The takeaway is age matters when you give the relationship some time. You will see and feel the difference.
How Do You Know When You Are Dating Someone Who is Too Young?
1. You know your girlfriend's too young when every other word that comes out of her mouth during a conversation is "Like," "You know" or "Cool."
2. She's too young for you when she is asking you, "Now where is it that you like to shop again? My grandfather likes going there too!"
3. She just isn't old enough for you when she is enjoying your children more than you. "Hey, let's play another game, your dad is boring!"
4. She lies about her age (sometimes by applying heavy makeup) just so that people will stop staring when you both are out together, yet they keep right on looking any way. You can't hide the truth!
5. She is just a baby when she asks a lot, "What do you think? How do you feel? Do you think I should?"
6. She is far too young, when a relative threatens to call the police if they see you coming around her again.
No girl/woman is worth losing your freedom or your life, jump ship while you still have time!
Nicholl McGuire
Age Gap Dating - Dating Younger Women, Dating Older Men Tips
Meet a Millionaire
Younger Women Dating Older Men May Not Forsee the Consequences
Is an Older Man Dating a Younger Woman Acceptable?
Older Men and Younger Women: Gross, Natural, or Something In-Between?
7 Dating Tips for Older Men Meeting Young Women for the First Time
One. Have a plan, a back up plan, and another plan on where you are taking your date.
First dates are the memorable ones, so you will want to work out a great plan. Interview her on what she might like to do, see and eat on the first date. Mention your interests. Find places that will meet both your needs. Have alternative plans that are near the area just in case an unforeseen circumstance takes place. But whatever you do, don’t wander aimlessly around looking for a place to go. Research the area before you arrive. If you can visit the community before you get there, do it. Google the location and check reviews. If one spot doesn’t work out, check out the next, and the next when all else fails, park in a nice spot and just talk until you can figure out where to go next. Keep your cool.
Two. Save money to be spent on your dating experience.
Don’t count on your date to have much. Young mothers with children don’t typically have a lot of money put aside for dating. A young woman in college maybe barely making ends meet. Just because she may be living independently or with parents, doesn’t mean she is able to afford an expensive outing with someone she is still getting to know. So avoid the temptation to ask her to split the bill, drive her car, or pay for gas. If you can’t afford to make a good impression, put it off. Remember the old adage, a first impression is a lasting one--don’t blow it!
Three. If things should go wrong, don’t lie or make lame excuses.
Four. Look your best, be prepared to take a photo with her.
Skipping anything that you typically do to make yourself handsome can be detrimental when on a first date. When that special someone has seen you looking your best in many of your photos, she doesn’t want to suddenly see the gray-bearded guy who once had a black beard in all his photographs or the guy with the flat stomach suddenly have one now that he isn’t wearing a certain garment, shirt, or suit coat. The first photo is just as important as the first date, so be sure you have everything trimmed, colored, or whatever else it is that you do to look good.
Five. Be kind and respectful.
Six Avoid the temptation of expecting her to have sex with you.
Just because you both were talking hot and heavy on the phone the other night, doesn’t mean that she is going to have sex with you. You never know what has transpired since the two of you last talked. So if she doesn’t bring it up, don’t say anything, but gently let her know with a flirty glance, “I wouldn’t mind.” From religious conviction to a menstrual cycle, many factors come into play when a woman just doesn’t seem interested in being intimate. Besides, you shouldn’t want a woman who is all-too-willing to get in bed with you without so much as thinking about a commitment.
Seven. Don’t assume that she wants to go out with you again.
Some men believe that they are a catch and that every woman should be honored to be in their presence. However, there is always one, two, three or more women who rather be anywhere then with an unattractive boring guy, a miserable man, a control freak, or crazy nut. Be sure that none of these descriptions fit you. Young women might be open to try something new for a time, but then when things get weird, they will gradually back off.
Taking the needed time to prepare for a date will not only make her feel comfortable, but you will feel good knowing that no matter what happens, you did your best. To your success!
Nicholl McGuire maintains other blogs as well, check out
Thoughts on Leaving Older Partner to Date Younger
Dull Romances
We can't avoid those periods in our relationships where everything starts to become a bit mundane and routine. Unless one is working an interesting job, have a great network of people that keep him or her excited, and money to spend to visit fun places at will (along with the desire to do it), the person seeking to leave his or her older partner just might be as boring as them, but just doesn't realize it yet. Running into the arms of someone more interesting is just a temporary pick-me-up, but sooner or later you will begin to notice that the same things you didn't want in the last relationship are going to start to show up in the new one.
Health Concerns
Unfortunately, some couples just can't make it, because one or both can't handle health issues. From andropause to menopause woes, if a lover didn't have the patience to contend with those health challenges with his or her last partner, what makes this person think that everything will be just fine with someone younger? Most young women can still bear children which will affect the body in time especially when she starts having that need to want to become pregnant. Many take birth control which has been known to fluctuate mood, weight, and more. So for the older man who thinks he can do better by getting someone younger while leaving an older partner and possibly children behind, he just might inherit a few new problems that he might not be ready for like a future offspring affecting his mood and weight. Also, take into consideration the many people who are walking this earth with an incurable sexual disease, mental disorders, criminal records and other issues brought on by wreckless behaviors, bad parenting, peer influences, etc. Know what you are getting into beyond the nice smile, sexy body and whatever else you are looking for.
Relatives and Friends
No matter who one dates, there will always be certain relatives and friends that may be very important in his or her life that the one dating younger won't necessarily like or agree with. Criticism comes and goes from loved ones when starting any new relationship. But if this is one reason why you just can't stand being with your older ex, it's not a very good one especially if you still have to deal with a few relatives because of children. Besides, you just might find that your younger mate's relatives and friends won't be any easier on you particularly if there is a significant age difference between you and younger mate.
A young woman who leaves a relatively stable relationship just because she feels like her older man just isn't doing it for her, might regret her decision later. If age is the only factor that bothers her, nowadays there are plenty of things men can take and do to better their lifestyles. But leaving an older man solely for the beauty of a younger man is foolish and unwise. Money may not be a factor in the relationship, but then it might be. Some younger women stay because of money while others leave because there is no assistance for what they have to put up with concerning an older man (ie. aging process, children with an ex, long work hours, etc.) so they go back to dating younger. However, young men, who aren't necessarily ready for a committed relationship, but think they are, have been known to be unfaithful, immature, and unreliable in serious relationships. Also, consider many who are irresponsible with their finances and selfish. But for those young men who aren't, the young woman just might find a treasure in more ways than one. For older men, who believe that a younger woman can complete him, know that most young women aren't established and don't have the wealth that he who has had decades to build. An older mate will find that at some point in the relationship his younger partner will need his financial assistance, so if he isn't the generous type, there will be issues.
These are just some of the many things one who is interested in leaving an older partner for a younger mate might run into. For some readers, this piece might have discouraged and if so, most likely you still love and respect your older mate. But for others, you may still want to leave your mate for any and all reasons, just keep in mind that those "in love" feelings with a new someone are temporary and they are not what builds a healthy long-lasting relationship, but you know that already. To your success!
Nicholl McGuire is the blogger for this blog. Check out others: Things to Do Bored and Parents, Babies, Children
When Dating Bubbly, Talkative Young Women Just Isn’t Working for You
Special Online Dating Website for Young Women & Mature Men -
Participants can choose from singles from all over the world simply by registering. Membership is free. Whether you are interested in a rich man or a beautiful woman, this site connects those who can be honest about what they seek in a dating relationship.
No longer do you need to date people your own age while wishing to be with someone much younger or older. Too often singles settle for dating people they are less than interested in simply because the people they meet live nearby or happen to show more interest in them than others recently. Seek someone online that will compliment you.
It isn't often that this site refers readers to dating sites, but this one is definitely one that you, who are interested in dating older or younger, will appreciate. Click here.
Teacher Leaves Wife, Kids for High School Student | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine
Teacher Leaves Wife, Kids for High School Student | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine
You Wanted that Nice, Sexy...Now You Got It!
So you thought I was going to say, "But..." right? Of course, there is a "but." But, it's for your own good, boss, dad, college student, retiree or divorced. You know these titles will make or break this kind of relationship if you or she isn't comfortable with them.
Where do you go from here, mature man? One of you or both should be asking this question, because anyone who has ever been in a relationship always comes to this point. So it might as well be you who is reading this. How will being in a relationship with your younger partner benefit you in both the short and long-terms? Or, is there really any long-term? You have heard the experiences of people in these kind of dating older/dating younger relationships. Are you conducting yourself in that "full speed ahead until we crash into a wall" fashion in this relationship?
What about your career and/or educational goals? Is there room in this relationship for that? What about a possible pregnancy? Do you really think aborting would be the best option or keeping the child? How will your partner fit in with your family? Do you make enough money if you are retired to help your younger partner?
Love blinds us. Reality awakes us. We can use every cliche in the book to make us feel at ease with what we are doing in our personal lives, but seriously mature man, we (both men and women of all ages) all need a voice of reason just in case that special someone breaks our heart.
Sure, your taking it slow, but then again maybe not if you already had sex with her. Sure, you will come to that bridge when you get there. You may already be there if she has been sharing her feelings about you. Don't wait. Talk about the things that matter when it comes to your intimate relationship with your younger woman and those who care about her. She (and they--you know her family) just might still respect you in the morning.
Nicholl McGuire
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Trying to Fit In to the Point of Deceiving Your Date?
I have been the one who was trying to act older at one point to impress a man back in my early twenties, but I was also on the receiving end when an older man was trying to act younger than what he was. Both of us were nothing more than deceiving one another, at least for awhile; however eventually, we were found out! He says, "I enjoy traveling..." but he doesn't go anywhere on his off time. She says, "I love going to jazz concerts..." and she has only been to one in her life-time. Do you see the false fronts?
Someone is going to have a bad day while finding out the truth and that is when the cover is blown! A younger woman finds out the truth about the older man, so, "You really don't do much at all!?" The older man finds out the truth about the younger woman, "You aren't as active as I thought! Heck, you barely have sex!?" Neither is who they claim to be! He may have initially thought, "She acts quite mature for her age..." On the other hand, she thinks, "He is quite fun and youthful!" After spending a little time with one another, they quickly learn there are problems and lots of them. "You are just a daddy's girl looking for a sugar daddy, huh!?" He yells. "Well, what about you? You just want a daughter to care for you in your old age!"
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The old statement, "Be yourself," means just that! Don't act any different than you do on a daily basis. State what you like to do, but inform your date what you are presently doing with your life. If you are embarrassed about a mediocre life, then start doing something to make it more interesting, but be genuine. If you know that you tend to act quite immature, work on your short-comings. Please note younger women, some personal issues will only go away with time and experience and an older man must be patient with you.
As much as we want to belong to someone that fits us like a hand in a glove, we must remember that no such person exists. They may come close, but like hats and gloves, one size doesn't fit all.
Nicholl McGuire
Author of Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues
The Worry Over the Age Difference
He may have joked about your being a baby or was angry and accused you of acting immature. She may have commented about how old you are looking lately or laughed about how much older you act when in certain situations. It happens, the reality sinks in that she is young enough to be your daughter or he is old enough to be your dad. Before long, you are stressing about the large gap between your ages.
The thoughts of age differences come and go like a nagging headache. You would love to feel comfortable in this relationship, like you did with all the others when you started out, but you are finding it more and more difficult. How many times will you think, “When I was only this age, he was…” or “When she was only a baby, I was graduating from college…”? Don’t ignore those gut feelings. Some important differences are beginning to show and you will need to think about what makes you feel this way, address it, and if there is no resolve, consider moving on.
Sticking around with someone who you aren’t 100% convinced you want to commit to a long-term relationship will only conjure up feelings of resentment and thoughts like these: “Why did I ever get involved with him? What was I thinking when I slept with her? Who am I kidding, she is just too young! I could never see myself with him forever!”
When you least expect it, out slips something you wish you could take back. The next thing you know you find yourself or your partner is apologizing. However, insecure feelings have already arisen and there is nothing an apology can do. He or she will most likely worry over, “What did you really mean by that statement?” for a long time.
The best advice, when it comes to those age difference worries, is to take the time alone (without your partner, family or friends in your ear cheering your relationship or booing it.) Begin to start thinking long-term. The person you are dating has feelings and would very much like to know how you really feel about them. Tell the truth, because if you don’t, your actions (or lack thereof) will speak louder than words. Unfortunately, that’s when relationships problems really start showing up such as: the silent treatment, phone calls go unanswered, a partner starts dating others without officially breaking up, dates decline, arguments are more frequent, and lies increase.
10 Things Men Do With Other Women While in A Relationship that Cause Problems
1. Helping a single woman out financially and physically.
2. Being alone with a woman when it is non-related to business.
3. Touching and sharing a meal with another woman.
4. Lying about your whereabouts or not talking about them with your partner.
5. Talking about your wife or girlfriend intimately with another woman.
6. Having non-business related lunch or dinner with a woman alone.
7. Inviting your wife or girlfriend to an event then ignore her.
8. Kissing or acting playful with other woman in or out of your wife or girlfriend's presence.
9. Not telling your wife or girlfriend that you took a woman home or somewhere else.
10. Talking to relatives and friends about another woman's beauty (your child's teacher, your exs, your co-workers, even the sales clerk at the local store) and comparing that woman with your wife or girlfriend.
You say there is nothing wrong with one or all of these things I have listed. You even feel like your girl is fine with you doing these actions. You may consider women who have these kinds of issues insecure. Debate, disagree, get upset, but one day you will be in the dog house because of one if not all of these issues (think about some of the reasons why you had problems in the past with other women.) According to the Bible even your lustful thoughts can get you into trouble.
Be wise, don't bring unnecessary conflict into your home and avoid the temptation to do things that may rise strife within your wife or girlfriend. Don't cover your behind, expose it! Be open and honest about what you do when you are away from your mate.
Women think beyond what you tell them. Their minds are constantly thinking, especially young, intelligent women, "I wonder who was that woman? Why is she talking so closely to my man? Why are they sharing food with one another? Why didn't he tell me he drove her home three times this week? Why is there a meal for two on this receipt, he never told me he had dinner with someone?" You see how your reputation now looks? She has to think about why you do what you do. You never want a woman to get to a place that she has to come to you and ask you questions. But you don't want to talk so much to the point that you look guilty, telling everything you want her to know, but leaving out the truth.
Here are some tips to help you stay out of the future dog-house:
Invite your wife or girlfriend with you to meet a single woman especially when she offers a proposal "to get together" some time.
Opt out of opportunities to be alone with co-workers. Invite a third wheel to join you and the woman.
Avoid keeping secrets from your wife or girlfriend no matter how upset she gets about it. Would you rather hear her rant now or talk about breaking up with you for being secretive or lying later?
Consider your young wife or girlfriend your best friend now and all other friends (especially those who you know are "very fond" of you and vice versa) should be put on the back-burner -- this doesn't mean abandon them. If they are not helping your relationship then you should cut them off. Why remain friends with someone who doesn't like your young girlfriend and thinks of you as nothing but a Chester molestor unless you really are? Distant yourself from those jealous, lonely, middle-age friends who wouldn't dare doing anything different! Eventually cut them off. Not every friend is a life-time friend!
If your young partner asks you to please stop doing something you know is harming the relationship and you refuse, then you are sending a message to her that those people in your life and/or activities you do are more important than she is. Some men take on a negative attitude about some of these issues, because they know that the young women they are involved with are nothing more than playthings so they don't compromise. But if you are not a player, but a gentleman then consider the fact that this young woman may be your wife and/or the mother of your child one day!
In the future, be more considerate and compassionate of your new mate's feelings. Remember she didn't come into the relationship desiring a companionship with your friends (exs, families, etc.) she came into it for you and the security you provide both mentally and physically -- show her the same courtesy!
Nicholl McGuire
Effect of Younger Women on Older Men For Rejuvenation
One can argue about the veracity of the recipe recommended by the eastern manuals, but the western world has only now accepted this though with some reservations. This acceptance has come about because this is a subject of study in the west. In the United States this aspect has been studied by some scientists. Scholars at Stanford and the University of California-Santa Barbara have carried out research on this aspect of a man's sexual relationship with a younger woman. The study at the beginning of the twenty first century has made some revelations that have been known to the oriental for many hundreds of years. The study concluded that an older man who had a sexual relationship with a younger woman tended to live longer.
On the face of it a lot many rationalists and a lot of women as well are apt to negate this study. But there is no doubt that a relationship with a younger woman for a male does have a beneficial effect on him. It affects the physiology of the male. The male feels younger and has an intense desire to please his younger partner. This desire allows a male to do certain acts that will give his sex an impetus as well as please his younger partner. The Max Plank institute in Germany carried out a study on this aspect as well. Scientists there concluded that man tended to live longer if took as his sexual mate a woman who preferably was about 15 to 17 younger than him. Statistics are always difficult to digest but scientists at the institute feel that longevity of the male could go up by as much as 20%.Ancient sex manuals also say the same thing.
For a lot many people it is difficult to accept this. But there every day sex with a younger woman may make the man live longer. This is because the sex act by itself is a therapy. The effect on the man and his physiology is beneficial as it gives a purpose to a man in his life. He will exercise and keep himself fit as a desire to please his partner becomes a tremendous motivating force for him.
In the everyday world it is very difficult to start a relationship between older men and much younger women. There are very limited ways for this though a relationship in the office with an older boss or colleague is an accepted norm. But now with the advent of the internet the chance to start a relationship are greatly increased. People seem less likely to be concerned about the age difference on the net and love could blossom.
A younger woman will always make her partner feel younger. During the relationship or marriage the man will strive to please his partner leading to very beneficial results for him. A younger woman will help a man to stay in the same sexual level even with passage of a year or so.
Men, who have sex daily, especially with younger women, are more likely to live longer. A study in Denmark from 1990 to 2005 has concluded that higher life expectancy of the male could be because of younger women caring for their men. Obviously one may well ask as to what is there in such a relationship for a woman. For a younger woman it can be a very exciting surprise whose only sexual experience may have been only with men of her age. Women often complain that their need for foreplay is much more and a lot men do not get it. This is a plus point as an older man will take time to rouse himself and in the process he could spend a long time to raise the pitch of his younger partner. The result can only be beneficial. In addition older men are able to have more control over the physical and mental state of the woman and obviously more knowledge of what gives the greater pleasure to his younger partner.
The ancient sex manuals of the orient have given a lot of theory and to put it to practical use it is up to the man.
By Madan G Singh
What Does a Young Woman Really Want?
The first point is just because a younger woman is not questioning your whereabouts and oftentimes acts nonchalant about your activities away from her, doesn't mean she can be played. Some older men might have gotten use to their former wives or girlfriends questioning everything they did, because those women didn't know how to establish lives of their own. However, this doesn't mean, "Well my young girlfriend doesn't care what I do as long as I give her money." Just like a woman your own age or older we care, we just don't make a big deal about what you are doing since we know that at any given moment when we are tired of your lies we can drop you and find someone who will appreciate us whether that man has a head full of hair and zero body fat or overweight and balding.
The next point refers to one's intelligence. Although there is a significant age difference, that doesn't mean the young woman is a fool. She may not know much about your era and may have little or no experience with your educational and/or career background; however that doesn't mean you can't talk to her or share a bit about yourself. It also doesn't mean that she can't hold a conversation with the best of them.
Another point I would like to make is that young women need love and security just like an older woman. Why is it okay for an older woman to say, "I need a man who makes a nice living..." but when a young woman says that she is deemed a gold-digger not every woman is with an older man because of money. It is a nice perk, but when the lights go off and you are ready to go to bed, she wants to know do you love her.
In closing, not every young woman has the kind of daddy issues that she needs a sugar daddy. An older man may say the things she wished her dad would have said back in the day like, "I love you...I care about you..." However, there are many women that are operating in this world with a healthy mindset and could care less how often their own dad said I love you or even came around for that matter. She doesn't need a father, like some women sing about in songs and write in poems, she needs a man! And unless you can be that man that will be the shoulder she can cry on, offer some advice, love her, and make her feel like a woman, you might want to check whether you are an older man with mommy issues, a need for a daughter, or in a mid-life crisis.
Nicholl McGuire
Time to Show Off Your Younger or Older Mate for the Holidays
1. Do stay positive.
Although some will not favor your choice in a mate whether to your face or behind your back, ignore the looks and address negative comments, but always remember why you love your partner!
2. Do your homework before you and your date arrive to the family function.
Find out from relatives and friends what the mood is like before you arrive. If there is alot of tension about your decision, find somewhere else to spend the holidays.
3. Do avoid family disagreements.
You may be accustomed to arguing with certain family members and friends about one thing or another, try not to. You don't want to give your partner the wrong impression. Also, he or she may already feel tensed being around people he or she doesn't know, so try to keep conversations light.
4. Do respect your partner's feelings.
When your partner says, "I think we should go...I don't feel comfortable..." Don't make a scene. Politely excuse yourself when the opportune time comes and find out what occurred away from the site so as not to draw attention to the two of you.
5. Don't act bossy, know-it-all, negative, toward your partner in front of your family.
Sometimes we tend to tell our partners everything about everything when we are around people we know and we may even act a little different. Check your attitude and be sure you are putting your best foot forward not only with everyone else, but more specifically your partner.
6. Don't leave your partner alone with family for long periods of time.
Family have a way with words once you leave your partner alone. If you know you have difficult, negative relatives and friends, don't leave your partner alone with these people.
7. Don't allow your family to disrespect your partner.
Age is nothing but a number, but for some it is more than that and they may not hesitate to let everyone know how they feel. Don't stand there and let the relative or friend tell you and your partner off.
8. Don't feel tempted to joke about age or appearance with others.
Sometimes people will give into jokes because they want to go along just to get along. If you are in the relationship for the long haul, you don't want to set a precedence from the beginning that says, "I don't care..." when you know that you or your date really does care. Cut the joking off from the beginning and everyone will know where you stand.
Now that you have your tips for the holidays, enjoy! If things take a bad turn, try not to break your relationship off with your mate until you are certain he or she is not the one, not because of pressure or negative reaction from family and friends.