Showing posts with label young women dating older men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label young women dating older men. Show all posts


He's Old, Your Young and Everyone Wants to Know Why?

The topic of why young women date older men has been well-covered online.  The reasons why a young lady, like yourself, dates older men according to many researchers, writers, and singles range from his maturity to security, but why do you want that One?  Why do you bother to share conversation with him, open your heart and other things to him.  What is it about the older man that makes you want to commit to the gentleman and only him when there are so many other men you could date?

When you take a moment to truly reflect on why you do the things you do, you might be surprised.  Sometimes breaking down our thought processes will show us things about ourselves we never realized.  Maybe there are desires you have that you hope your mature significant might help you achieve.  Could he represent someone or something you have been missing?

Mature men have their reasons too as to why they seek after younger women.  If they too sit back and think as to why they do what they do, what might they learn about themselves?  A young woman is definitely not going to soothe those deep emotions within where worries, fears, and pain reside.  She is like a Band-Aid.  The real healing for the soul comes from a relationship with one's Maker who is responsible for mind, body and spirit.

One day both young and old will die and what will those they leave behind say about them, their relationships, children, and more?  Was it a genuine connection?  Did they really want to be together for love?   

Make the most of your life, choose wisely and seek happiness within.  A partner should simply be icing on the cake for you when everything else in your life is all peaches in cream! (Excuse the food references, can't you tell I haven't had lunch--lol.) 

The public questions these men dating younger women relationships and others because many are usually built on selfish interests and not long-lasting love.  Don't hate on your critics just be honest with yourself and that man or woman you are with, "Why do you want me, really?"  Think about it.

Nicholl McGuire has experienced dating mature men.  She authored many nonfiction books about relationships and provides website content on many sites.  Learn more about her and subscribe to Nicholl's blog. 


Why a Younger Woman should Date an Older Man?

Written from a male perspective.

If you are interested in joining the dating game as a younger woman looking for older men, then you are heading on the right path.  Older men are more mature, have more success in life, are usually further in their careers, and are overall a better companion to be with versus a younger man.  In this article you will learn why a younger woman should date an older man.

Here are five reasons why you should date an older man:

1. Maturity level – Ladies let's be serious here; younger men are just not mature.  For example, having a burping contest with your lover is not what most ladies' would consider a good time.  An older man has much more mature aspects over a younger man.  This is why when you see a young woman dating an older man, chances are she finds him a more suitable match due to his confidence in who he is and knowledge of life.

2. More successful in life – Most older men who date younger women are a bit more successful in life.  By this I mean they have goals, some own homes, have nice cars, etc.  I am not saying that this is what is important in choosing someone to date, but it shows you their overall character as a person and as someone you want to date.

3. Further in their careers - Older men are further along in their careers.  Again this is not the end all be all if they are not.   You just might have a great lover which would make up for an unimpressive income.

4. Better companion –Older men are better companions in life.  Why?  This goes back to 1, 2, and 3.  They are more mature, more successful, and further in their careers.  These things show you the character of that person and their overall companion level will be with you.

These are just the beginning stages when you ask yourself or someone else, why a younger woman should date an older man?  Again, this is just the beginning and should not be the end of the road for some daters.  If the man you are with is younger, but treats you good, that is better than being with an older man who does not treat you good.  These are decisions only you can make for yourself and only you will learn in time. 

Nobody can tell you what you need to do or who to be with in life.  You make that call.  Use this article as a guide of what to watch out for, but do not pass on something that is better.


Younger Guy Wanted to Know, Why You Dating Old Men?

If you are a younger woman, you may have been asked, "Why do you like dating older men?"  by guys or gals about your age and younger.  How do you answer such a question or do you even bother?  Whether it is your personal preference, that's all you seem to attract, or simply maturity, your choice not theirs.  I came across one website that attempts to answer this question. Read here.


He's Old Enough to Be Her Dad
Some of us grew up during a time where dating a man, notice I didn't say boy, while you were still in high school was nothing out of the ordinary.  The girl knew that the man was quite possibly old enough to be her father and the man knew he was robbing the cradle.  It didn't help that the music and movies perpetuated this awkward and downright illegal relationship.  There were rappers singing about older men and girls dating one another. The girls were "loving" these men, lying about their ages, sneaking out of their parent's homes to meet older men, etc.  Although people knew this sort of behavior was wrong, they still encouraged it by bobbing their heads to the drum beats and making jokes about those celebrities who participated in pedophilia.  A man dating a girl or even a young woman 20 plus years younger is no laughing matter.

In many communities around our country, there is some young naïve or "fast tailed" girl or woman who has serious childhood issues that she doesn't recognize or can handle.  So when an older man comes along with his false promises of caring for her, she goes along with whatever he says just to get along.  To her, romance is nothing more than a movie complete with sex and dinner.  In her mind, she has never been treated like a lady by her younger boyfriends.  The older man holds her hand, brings her flowers, writes her love notes, takes her out to the mall, and buys her the things she wants, and much, much more which is usually taught in the bedroom.  Meanwhile, those boys or young men around her can't fathom what she sees in a wrinkled, grey haired, overweight older man who walks slow and talks slower.

There are so many young women who have so much potential to be something great without the need for a father figure, but that is exactly what her subconscious mind tells her when she looks at the older man.  "He will take care of you...he will buy you nice don't have to worry about him playing head games...he loves you..."  But many older men do just that, play mind games.  They know how to take a younger woman and mold and shape her into what he desires (at least for a time--that is until she acts up--then on to the next one.)

Feel free to share the information on this site with those younger women you may know who are currently dating all sorts of men.

Nicholl McGuire
Author of Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men


When Young Women Love Older Men

There are older women in circles right now discussing why men in their age group go for younger women. They are usually angry, jealous, and bitter about the fact because they know that once they reach a certain age the pickings for men get a lot slimmer. This is why some older women will
not move on or be content being alone. They will hold on to their unavailable ex, date a player, put up with a drunk, and use drugs with an addict or anything else just because they are so desperate to keep a man even when he doesn't want them anymore. So when a younger woman comes along and the older man divorces his wife for her, cheats on his older girlfriend for her or does something else to be with her, some of these older women act like old fools!

The younger woman isn't to blame in most cases unless she deliberately went after an unavailable, happily married man. However, usually these older men are unhappily married, living separate from their wives, divorced, or dating other women but just haven't found one to date exclusively yet. Whatever his issue, his wife's issue or his ex's issue, the point is the young woman has now fallen in love with him.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
What does she feel when she is in love with her older man? What does her action or inaction in the relationship with him look like? Let's answer these questions.

Since every woman is different it's hard to provide specific details as to how she feels about him, but there are some basic things to look out for if you intend to make the relationship a happy one. Because she is younger, she doesn't usually have as much life experience as you. Depending on her age, she may have just moved out of mommy and daddy's home and is beginning to start a life of her own free of authority figures. So if you come along and try to tell her how to live her life like a parent, then she can very easily fall out of love or lust with you and the idea of ever dating a man older. She will then settle with someone closer to her age. However, if you act more like a friend and encourage her to live independently and enjoy her life, then she will eventually find her way to you because you are not stifling her from being the kind of woman she is destined to be.

Some younger women fall deeply in love with older men because her father didn't show her the kind of love she wanted as a child. He may have been absent, physically abusive, or mentally unaware of her existence because he was too busy working. Just imagine, here you are this wonderful, kind older
gentleman with your arms open wide and she will not hesitate to jump in them and look to you to be a father that she never had. Now this isn't always the case, some younger women had great relationships with their dad and wish to be with men who have similar attributes as their father. If their dad was hardworking, took great care of the family, honest, and church-going, then she may expect the same from you. This kind of thinking is not only with young women who date older men but any woman dating any man of any color, age, race, or creed.

When she truly loves her older man she will want to do everything for him and be the kind of woman he adores. This concept is no different if she was with a man the same age or younger. A woman who is treated with respect, admired, loved, and appreciated will react just like a man who feels the same way. She will go out of her way to make him happy when she is in love. However, if she isn't she will grow distant and will start to think of what she may have missed out on by not being with a man her own age. Her family, if they notice that she is not happy in the relationship, will encourage her to break up with the older man and find someone more age appropriate for her. This is why some older, controlling men try to keep the family out of her life because they want to be the only ones who have power over her. Unfortunately, their plan of control usually backfires.  As the young woman ages, she (who was once blind) begins to see and realizes that the older man is just not for her.

Younger women can be a blessing to older men especially when these men reach an age where they can no longer care for themselves. However, they can be a curse to those who mistreated them in their youth.  The older man and younger woman who have a quality relationship will get to experience the joys of life whether emotionally whole or broken, rich or poor, or sick or well.

An older man tends to have the best of both worlds when dealing with a younger woman (that is why his friends tend to envy him and may even hate on his relationship), he can be free to relive his youth again while knowing that if his partner is sincerely in love with him she will see to it that he is taken care of for the rest of his life.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues, Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and She's Crazy.  She also is the owner of Nicholl McGuire Media.

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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