Showing posts with label sugar daddy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sugar daddy. Show all posts


Does She Really Love Her Sugar Daddy?

When does a Sugar Baby reach a point in the mutually beneficial arrangement that she is strongly considering a long-term partnership with her older beau?  The young woman has a lot to learn if she intends on maintaining some sort of arrangement with the gentleman.

Young women, who desire to get more out of their Sugar Daddy, Sugar Baby arrangement, will act in ways that might later cause a breakup.  For a needy young woman, the innate passions such as: wanting to feel special, a hope of getting married, and the thought of having a baby will begin to suffocate the simplicity of just being available to a Sugar Daddy.

"I want more," she cries.  Just like a father, a Sugar Daddy will calm the young lady with words, gifts, and promises.  However, none of what he is doing will fulfill the void within.  A woman with unfulfilled dreams, no faith, unresolved issues, personality disorders, and money woes is like an open wound that never heals.  Place a Band-Aid on her and she will bleed to death.

One, who is in a Sugar Daddy arrangement, typically knows that love is one of those emotions that tends to come out of nowhere.  Depending on the kind of friend one might have, will determine whether the arrangement ever becomes a relationship.  Some Sugar Babies have to keep feelings hidden or otherwise risk losing it all.  Some Sugar Dads simply don't want to be connected or controlled by anything that sounds even a little bit like love.  Since most Sugar Daddies are involved with more than one woman, it will be difficult (almost impossible) to pen one down and keep him down.

Love feelings may be sincere or may not be between friends.  Sometimes being treated and spoiled with gifts and sex gives an illusion that one is in love, when the truth is one is in infatuation.  He or she might not be interested in living together, seeing one another daily, or planning a future.  If this is the case, love just wouldn't describe temporal emotions, but lust would.

Nicholl McGuire also maintains the blog, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate and YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.


What's Love Got to Do With It? He's a Sugar Daddy

Some rich men take no offense when they are dating women who are with them not because they love them or even find them attractive, but because they have money.  These Sugar Daddies don't see anything wrong with a young gold-digger who is a 10 on the beauty scale wanting a little cash to maintain her expensive appearance.  These Sugar Dads know that she does what she can to appease him in ways that aren't for public eyes.

A young woman who seeks a rich, handsome man does so, because she has needs that men her own age or younger just can't fulfill.  When a man who is established, successful in life, approaches her, she can't help but feel special.  She doesn't mind working out a deal, so to speak, with her wealthy companion.  For those who judge her and her partner's arranged relationship, she doesn't care much.  The caring doesn't come into play until the rich man is no longer holding up his end of the bargain. 

Some women do end up marrying their Sugar Daddys.  They appear to be happy with their lifestyle even if they aren't so content with their husbands. 

Life is difficult and can be even more challenging when there never seems to be enough money to live comfortably.

Nicholl McGuire 


When the Only Thing a Sugar Daddy Has Going for Him Is He's Rich

Let's face it, some sugar daddies just aren't easy on the eyes and don't necessarily have a gift for entertaining a pretty young woman, you might be one of them.  So with that, there are some things that you will need to do to boost your strengths and downplay your weaknesses.

1.  Take care of yourself.

Far too many older men let themselves go.  The young woman looks at that nice photograph from yesteryear and dreams of having met you in your youth.  Before you go showing off those past photos, in an attempt to win her over with your past beauty, try keeping her interested in the modern day you.  Watch eating things that help pack on pounds around your mid-section.  Don't ignore health issues.  For instance, visit your doctor and dentist and share your concerns with them.  Trim your hair (dye it or upgrade it), cut your toe nails, and get unsightly things removed or changed where applicable.  Why permit yourself to go downhill just because you have reached a certain age?

2.  Be polite and considerate.

Sweet, inspirational, and loving responses and phrases used to keep a young woman interested in you go a long way--this is what puts the "Sugar" in Daddy!  Before long, she is forgetting about you being short, overweight, gray, and wrinkled.  Write your thoughts, speak your feelings, or buy a book, artwork, keepsake, or card that comes from the heart. 

3.  Look for opportunities to do kind deeds.

There are selfish, miserable rich older and younger men who simply don't have the time, patience, or know-how when it comes to having a quality relationship with women.  There are so many ways to show your appreciation and admiration of your younger partner.  Think of things she likes, needs, and hopes for and try to help her in whatever way you can.  From small tokens that make her life easier to help with paying bills, the fact still remains that some older, unattractive men get all the nice-looking ladies because they are good listeners and generous.

4.  Explain noticeable flaws.

Some flaws simply can't be hidden; therefore when she questions, "What is that?  How did that happen?  Why do you act that way?"  Be prepared to speak truth, but don't share so much information that she becomes fearful, worried, or start to wonder if she can catch what you got.  For example, if you really like your date and desire to be with her exclusively, be open to talking about things like an incurable sexually transmitted disease--don't fail to mention it, and always remember to protect yourself and your partner.

5.  Show much interest in your young partner's world.

Competition is fierce when it comes to dating a very attractive woman, so an unattractive man must stand out from the crowd by paying his young partner more attention than most men.  He has to genuinely care about her and be willing to offer her the kind of love and appreciation that touches her soul.

Keep in mind there are young women who will look pass your flaws when they can see your inner strengths manifest externally.  Do what you can to improve your self physically, mentally and spiritually.

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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