An age gap dating advice blog that provides valuable tips when dating older men and younger women. Thought-provoking relationship tips for older men seeking to date younger women. Please be advised to seek a professional for serious issues. Contributors are not all licensed or trained in relationship counseling. This blog is not for people under the age of 18.
Showing posts with label sex with older man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex with older man. Show all posts
Dating Advice, Relationship Problems: Sex Changes Your Life
Dating Advice, Relationship Problems: Sex Changes Your Life: You want change to happen in your life. You are tired of having empty relationships with people. These dating experiences start off well...
It Happens and She Ain't Happy
You dating younger? Take care of yourself, no excuses.
by Nicholl McGuire
It Isn't Always Business as Usual: Some Older Men are Kinky
He might look kind, sweet, youthful and harmless, but some mature gentlemen enjoy doing some things that cause discomfort, pain, and nightmares. If you go along, just to get along Young Lady, you just mind find yourself needing therapy one day.
Let's face it some women are ill-equipped to handle some unique, interesting, painful and downright strange experiences sexual and otherwise and to expose them to such things might mentally break them down to the point that they are useless even to themselves. Drugs, alcohol, and other things are used to lower one's inhibitions in many weird situations, but just how low does an individual want to go? What might be the consequences if a young lady reaches a point of no return? Will one be ready to face those issues and still sleep at night?
There are some aspects about dating that are just unexpected and if a young woman is in the dark about some things she will be frightened and possibly will get law enforcement and others involved. This is why one needs to know a person well and if she is interested in doing some wild things then that is her choice, but she should never be talked or forced into doing things she just doesn't want to do.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and other books.
Let's face it some women are ill-equipped to handle some unique, interesting, painful and downright strange experiences sexual and otherwise and to expose them to such things might mentally break them down to the point that they are useless even to themselves. Drugs, alcohol, and other things are used to lower one's inhibitions in many weird situations, but just how low does an individual want to go? What might be the consequences if a young lady reaches a point of no return? Will one be ready to face those issues and still sleep at night?
There are some aspects about dating that are just unexpected and if a young woman is in the dark about some things she will be frightened and possibly will get law enforcement and others involved. This is why one needs to know a person well and if she is interested in doing some wild things then that is her choice, but she should never be talked or forced into doing things she just doesn't want to do.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and other books.
Having Sex with Younger or Older Partner Just Because...
The couple was head over heels in love with one another when they first met some years ago, but now, not so much. You see, she experienced far too many disappointing moments with the man who she calls, "Sugar Daddy." She had hoped that maybe the relationship would have matured by now. But he and she aren't interested in anything more than sex these days.
What appeared to be so right, ended up so wrong when the young woman finally realized she bit more off than she could chew by involving herself with an older man decades older than she. He too, thought that being with his younger partner was a bit too much for him to handle mentally and physically, yet he pressed on with the relationship anyway.
Now the pair are nothing more than periodic sex partners with very few common interests. They just don't have that "spark" for one another anymore--they have grown apart. Yet, the sex keeps them connected, at least for the time being, until one or both insults the other in a dispute, then off they go taking a sabbatical away from one another in minds and sometimes with feet too--that is until "missing you" feelings draw them back together again. On the outside looking in, witnesses might describe the couple as "pathetic, weak, dysfunctional..." but it works for them now.
If your relationship with an older or younger partner is somewhat like what has been described, then you just might want to begin to emotionally and physically set yourself free if the situation is causing you misery. Why dump your personal frustrations and dislike on to someone who isn't going to change his or her lifestyle or behaviors to suit you? Move on.
Nicholl McGuire shares more relationship advice at: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate.
What appeared to be so right, ended up so wrong when the young woman finally realized she bit more off than she could chew by involving herself with an older man decades older than she. He too, thought that being with his younger partner was a bit too much for him to handle mentally and physically, yet he pressed on with the relationship anyway.
Now the pair are nothing more than periodic sex partners with very few common interests. They just don't have that "spark" for one another anymore--they have grown apart. Yet, the sex keeps them connected, at least for the time being, until one or both insults the other in a dispute, then off they go taking a sabbatical away from one another in minds and sometimes with feet too--that is until "missing you" feelings draw them back together again. On the outside looking in, witnesses might describe the couple as "pathetic, weak, dysfunctional..." but it works for them now.
If your relationship with an older or younger partner is somewhat like what has been described, then you just might want to begin to emotionally and physically set yourself free if the situation is causing you misery. Why dump your personal frustrations and dislike on to someone who isn't going to change his or her lifestyle or behaviors to suit you? Move on.
Nicholl McGuire shares more relationship advice at: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate.
7 Vaginal Health Issues Every Woman Should Know
If you are concerned or curious about some ongoing problems when it comes to women's issues, you might want to learn more here.
He's More Interested in Sex than a Relationship - What to do?
He came off too strong the last time you two were together. His eyes were everywhere and his hands would have been too had you not stopped the horny guy. You would like to go out with him again, but you wonder if it is going to be more of the same? Yes, it will be if you keep teasing him with those lips, that dress, your gaze, sexy conversation, and whatever else you do that turns him on. You might want to think twice about being alone with him.
Young women take chances dating men who obviously want more than just dinner and a movie. He has told you over the phone what he wants and has also been quite bold in what he hopes to have happen the next time he sees you. So what do some young women do? They give into the wild man's desires even when these girls don't want to and unfortunately some get raped.
One must be on her guard when dating older men who are not acting like gentlemen, but more like men who haven't had sex in awhile. You can't have a great time with someone who talks often about having sex when you know you aren't ready. Think twice before going out with the man who can't seem to take "Later or in the future..." as a good enough answer. Pushy men might be violent men, so be careful.
Some things you might want to do:
1. Explain to him why he is turning you off with all his talk about having sex with you.
2. Distance yourself from him by not answering your phone everytime he calls or opening your door when he comes around. Talk with relatives and friends about your concerns if he keeps insisting that he wants to come over.
3. Be prepared to fight if he doesn't respect your boundaries. Have self-defense equipment and 911 on speed dial.
4. Don't ride in the car with him and arrange to have a future date in a public space if you must go out with this "I need sex right now" guy again.
5. You might feel the need to keep him in your life, but don't give up anything to get something, always find alternatives. A sexual bond with someone who doesn't care much about you and vice versa can take a long time to get over and you might have many regrets as a result. Young women have been known to have children they didn't want with men they were never attracted to. They have also walked away with sexually transmitted diseases among other things because they compromised their personal beliefs to satisfy someone else's. Don't let this happen to you!
When the writing is on the wall that your sexually-starved friend is more concerned about your body and less interested in anything else, don't think things will get better, because if you do what he likes, most likely he will find someone else to pursue in the future if you give up sex too soon.
Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Young women take chances dating men who obviously want more than just dinner and a movie. He has told you over the phone what he wants and has also been quite bold in what he hopes to have happen the next time he sees you. So what do some young women do? They give into the wild man's desires even when these girls don't want to and unfortunately some get raped.
One must be on her guard when dating older men who are not acting like gentlemen, but more like men who haven't had sex in awhile. You can't have a great time with someone who talks often about having sex when you know you aren't ready. Think twice before going out with the man who can't seem to take "Later or in the future..." as a good enough answer. Pushy men might be violent men, so be careful.
Some things you might want to do:
1. Explain to him why he is turning you off with all his talk about having sex with you.
2. Distance yourself from him by not answering your phone everytime he calls or opening your door when he comes around. Talk with relatives and friends about your concerns if he keeps insisting that he wants to come over.
3. Be prepared to fight if he doesn't respect your boundaries. Have self-defense equipment and 911 on speed dial.
4. Don't ride in the car with him and arrange to have a future date in a public space if you must go out with this "I need sex right now" guy again.
5. You might feel the need to keep him in your life, but don't give up anything to get something, always find alternatives. A sexual bond with someone who doesn't care much about you and vice versa can take a long time to get over and you might have many regrets as a result. Young women have been known to have children they didn't want with men they were never attracted to. They have also walked away with sexually transmitted diseases among other things because they compromised their personal beliefs to satisfy someone else's. Don't let this happen to you!
When the writing is on the wall that your sexually-starved friend is more concerned about your body and less interested in anything else, don't think things will get better, because if you do what he likes, most likely he will find someone else to pursue in the future if you give up sex too soon.
Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
For Some Men & Women It's Just Sex
There is nothing significant about that new sexual partner that makes an individual desire a long term commitment particularly when that isn't what he or she truly wants anyway. For some couples, it's just sex--nothing more and nothing less, that is until emotions get in the way!
A man in a 10 plus years marriage, who lies about it, is looking for someone or something to break a mundane lifestyle, but his intentions is not to lie down with his younger fling forever and always. If he were completely honest, he would tell her so. A young woman with many bills, an active lifestyle, and isn't interested in dating younger guys these days because she has needs that goes beyond the bedroom, is most likely not seeking a long-term commitment either especially if the mature man isn't offering much conversation or affection. Both have immediate needs, but a long term future, not likely.
When we find ourselves seeking people who are mentally or physically unavailable (or maybe we are the ones guilty of this sort of behavior) and have no strong desire to be nothing more than bedroom partners, you have to wonder, "What is going on with me?" It is better to be alone and content then to be with someone who is going to lie about loving his wife or be with a younger woman who just wants to manipulate men for selfish gain. So much emotional energy wrapped up into something that has no solid foundation!
Some couples in wishy washy relationships end up leaving them with a few mental marbles loose. Words are exchanged during bedroom sessions that tickle ears and before long, a lover believes that something more might come out of this short-term fling only to be left heartbroken. "We agreed, we wouldn't get serious, remember!? I told you I am in a relationship, I have children!" the married man yells. "But I love you and you said I was the best thing in your life!" the young woman cries. "I know what I said, but that was when we were having sex!" her lover retorts.
I think of times during my past when I was misled into thinking that some men were sincerely into me and only me. But later, I would learn that I was the alternative, the back up plan until cheating men would be welcomed back into the arms of their number one girls. "Stupid me," I would think. Assuming that a nice guy was right for me. There is a whole lot more going on with nice guys besides what meets the eye--I am a witness!
There are those nice guys who are bad guys. They seek out women who are willing to go out with them and eventually lay with them. If she doesn't do what he wants on his time schedule, then she is marked as "hard to get" and then he is on to the next one. Older, more experienced, men are clever. They will say just about anything to fulfill sexual needs. I recall a man promise to let me stay at his large home with a pool and other amenities he thought I liked (mind you, I don't know how to swim, see how much he paid attention to me?) He used what he had to lure me to come over an entertain him (yet some men don't want gold-diggers, why use your wealth to charm?) I politely declined his request. He had an impatient and irritated tone to his voice and lost my number. That older man made his intentions clear and I made my boundaries clear.
Too many young women settle for foolishness for material wealth. But one day, reality sets in and you find yourself looking in the mirror at your ugly self. You start asking that immature woman inside of you the hard questions, "Why do I put myself through this? Why can't I just sit back and enjoy my life for a bit; rather than worry over dates?"
Remember, once you see signs and listen closely to one's intentions while dating, you have a choice, either you will raise your red flag or you will give in. If you should give in to a man or woman's demands, be prepared to enter a journey that you might or might not be ready for. There will be surprises and they won't all be good. There will be emotional highs and lows that might leave you feeling like you are out of control. And, most of all, there will most likely be disappointments because you will quickly learn, the more you get to know someone, the more you realize sex isn't all you need. Before long, you will be on that path of trying to break free from your lover which isn't always easy to do.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of When Mothers Cry, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate and other books.
A man in a 10 plus years marriage, who lies about it, is looking for someone or something to break a mundane lifestyle, but his intentions is not to lie down with his younger fling forever and always. If he were completely honest, he would tell her so. A young woman with many bills, an active lifestyle, and isn't interested in dating younger guys these days because she has needs that goes beyond the bedroom, is most likely not seeking a long-term commitment either especially if the mature man isn't offering much conversation or affection. Both have immediate needs, but a long term future, not likely.
When we find ourselves seeking people who are mentally or physically unavailable (or maybe we are the ones guilty of this sort of behavior) and have no strong desire to be nothing more than bedroom partners, you have to wonder, "What is going on with me?" It is better to be alone and content then to be with someone who is going to lie about loving his wife or be with a younger woman who just wants to manipulate men for selfish gain. So much emotional energy wrapped up into something that has no solid foundation!
Some couples in wishy washy relationships end up leaving them with a few mental marbles loose. Words are exchanged during bedroom sessions that tickle ears and before long, a lover believes that something more might come out of this short-term fling only to be left heartbroken. "We agreed, we wouldn't get serious, remember!? I told you I am in a relationship, I have children!" the married man yells. "But I love you and you said I was the best thing in your life!" the young woman cries. "I know what I said, but that was when we were having sex!" her lover retorts.
I think of times during my past when I was misled into thinking that some men were sincerely into me and only me. But later, I would learn that I was the alternative, the back up plan until cheating men would be welcomed back into the arms of their number one girls. "Stupid me," I would think. Assuming that a nice guy was right for me. There is a whole lot more going on with nice guys besides what meets the eye--I am a witness!
There are those nice guys who are bad guys. They seek out women who are willing to go out with them and eventually lay with them. If she doesn't do what he wants on his time schedule, then she is marked as "hard to get" and then he is on to the next one. Older, more experienced, men are clever. They will say just about anything to fulfill sexual needs. I recall a man promise to let me stay at his large home with a pool and other amenities he thought I liked (mind you, I don't know how to swim, see how much he paid attention to me?) He used what he had to lure me to come over an entertain him (yet some men don't want gold-diggers, why use your wealth to charm?) I politely declined his request. He had an impatient and irritated tone to his voice and lost my number. That older man made his intentions clear and I made my boundaries clear.
Too many young women settle for foolishness for material wealth. But one day, reality sets in and you find yourself looking in the mirror at your ugly self. You start asking that immature woman inside of you the hard questions, "Why do I put myself through this? Why can't I just sit back and enjoy my life for a bit; rather than worry over dates?"
Remember, once you see signs and listen closely to one's intentions while dating, you have a choice, either you will raise your red flag or you will give in. If you should give in to a man or woman's demands, be prepared to enter a journey that you might or might not be ready for. There will be surprises and they won't all be good. There will be emotional highs and lows that might leave you feeling like you are out of control. And, most of all, there will most likely be disappointments because you will quickly learn, the more you get to know someone, the more you realize sex isn't all you need. Before long, you will be on that path of trying to break free from your lover which isn't always easy to do.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of When Mothers Cry, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate and other books.
Shorter, Older Men Attract Women With Larger Packages!
The sad truth is and always will be - most older, shorter men are extremely small below the belt. Even worse is that most men try to gain size with penis solutions such as expensive penis pumps and drugs with a promise of becoming larger. Here are some fast facts -
- Over 98% of men would increase the size of their penis if they knew how.
- 93% of Women have never achieved an orgasm during intercourse, and 76% admit that they are dissatisfied with their partner's sexual performance.
- The majority of men have very poor blood circulation to the penis.
- By age 29, 96% of men cannot gain erections 1/5 as much as when they were 20.
Of course, most of the smarter men out there take action and solve this problem within a few weeks time but other men let the problem get worse and affect their personal lives. Every man wants to have a long lasting sexual life, attract the most women and feel great.
It does not matter how ugly you think you are or how short you may be, ATTRACTION comes from confidence and confidence comes from below the belt. Most men do not care about that, and end up losing to someone else with a larger package, because women know what they want.
If I can do it, you can do it too. Forget about tall men, or the younger guys, because you can walk all over them if you knew how to do it right. You can become a sexual icon whereever you live and take control of every situation.
By Jesse Isaac James
I hope you get what you are looking for along in your research, the sites I found definitely were not the greatest but it worked out in the end and I avoided all those other companies getting rich off of your insecurity and misfortune. Check out and stay safe.
- Over 98% of men would increase the size of their penis if they knew how.
- 93% of Women have never achieved an orgasm during intercourse, and 76% admit that they are dissatisfied with their partner's sexual performance.
- The majority of men have very poor blood circulation to the penis.
- By age 29, 96% of men cannot gain erections 1/5 as much as when they were 20.
Of course, most of the smarter men out there take action and solve this problem within a few weeks time but other men let the problem get worse and affect their personal lives. Every man wants to have a long lasting sexual life, attract the most women and feel great.
It does not matter how ugly you think you are or how short you may be, ATTRACTION comes from confidence and confidence comes from below the belt. Most men do not care about that, and end up losing to someone else with a larger package, because women know what they want.
If I can do it, you can do it too. Forget about tall men, or the younger guys, because you can walk all over them if you knew how to do it right. You can become a sexual icon whereever you live and take control of every situation.
By Jesse Isaac James
I hope you get what you are looking for along in your research, the sites I found definitely were not the greatest but it worked out in the end and I avoided all those other companies getting rich off of your insecurity and misfortune. Check out and stay safe.
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