Showing posts with label how to date younger women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to date younger women. Show all posts


Dating Tips For Men - How to Get a Younger Girlfriend

Just the other day, a pal of mine asked for my thoughts on older men dating younger women. And, did I have any special approaches or pickup lines to use with younger women?

First of all, you need to know that older man dating younger women is a completely natural situation. The funny thing is, most guys think really gorgeous younger women are "out of their league."

The truth is, not only is it possible for you to date younger women -- it's actually easier than you think. The first and most essential thing to bear in mind is that women actually prefer older men.

It's true that you can definitely be dating younger women. I don't care what the women your age tell you; this is a fact.Over the past 200-plus years, the United States government has been recording statistics for the ages of men and women getting married. And every year, there is a larger gap between the ages of men and women who marry each other.

Every year, the guys get a little older on average, and their wives get a little younger.

Here's another interesting statistic: guys who tie the knot for a second time are usually doing it with women who are around a decade younger.

Here's another thing to ponder: in 20% of these second marriages, the guy is over 20 years younger than his partner.

{A woman who is twenty years younger?? Oh no! The "Femi-Nazis" get upset when they hear this! They will declare that it's not right! Deviant!

Ironically, no one seems to mind if the guy is wealthy and famous. Then he is practically expected to marry a significantly younger wife.

Donald Trump? Have you seen how beautiful his wife is? They had a baby not too long ago, and they're very happy together...

The actor Michael Douglas? (For quite a while now he's been married to Catherine Zeta-Jones, the insanely hot actress. 'Nuff said.)

I could give you a ton of other examples. It's been this way all throughout history. It's only in modern times that a double-standard has emerged -- that it's fine for a successful older guy to be with younger women, but it's somehow "wrong" for the common guy to pursue this course.

So why, exactly, do older guys have such a powerful urge to be with a younger mate? It goes a lot deeper than just wanting a hot young babe. The deeper reasons are rooted in our biology; men are hard-wired to want a woman who is healthy, young and fertile, who has the greatest chance of bearing his children and carrying on his genetic legacy.

Also, it's not only about sex and procreation. According to research, it's been demonstrated that a younger wife can quite literally lengthen a man's life span. In a sense, her youth is "contagious" and will keep her husband active (and not just in the bedroom!)

When you come right down to it, the yearning to desire to be dating younger women is a natural, healthy impulse.

If you'd like to make yourself powerfully appealing to younger women, I have a strategy that I want to show you. It is a method that I use all the time, and I've seduced beautiful younger women right out from under their bad-boy 22 year old lovers!

But before we go any further, please heed this warning...

The advanced tactics contained in our free, 75-page seduction manual will affect women of all ages on a powerful subconscious level. We ask you to please use these methods responsibly! For more specific tips on dating younger women and older men dating younger women, download our free, 75-page "S.W.A.T. Guide" (Secret Weapons & Attraction Tactics). Come to our site and get this free seduction manual now, while we're still giving it away!

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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