Showing posts with label immature men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immature men. Show all posts


Immature, Older Men Test Drive Young Women Like Cars - Now What's Wrong with That?

Comparing a woman to a car, eh?  She is bright, shiny, good steering, comfortable seating, fast, good suspension, engine purrs...Wow!  You are saying a lot about yourself when you describe a woman like you do your state of the art vehicle.  What you are really saying is you like an attractive woman, who will have sex quickly, move well in bed, and isn't loud and annoying.  You like her quiet and docile--you can control her like you do your automobile.  Is that too much to ask? 

Now behind closed doors, you just might get away with this sort of mentality with the guys and you might even impress a few niave, silly women who could care less about being compared to a sports car.  However, test driving young women like cars is going to cost you mentally, physically, and spiritually.  Just like a car, sooner or later you and they will break down.  Hurt feelings, broke bank accounts, troubled minds, STDs, unsupportive family members, unwanted children, etc.  Hearts left on the side of the road like bumpers, blown out tires, broken glass, etc.  How much time does one really have to play immature games with immature women?

The truth is men like this don't care about women, rather they enjoy test driving them.  You probably know a few old players in the family.  Young, sexy, and immature women can be fun, exciting, and interesting at first, but in time they get old, unattractive, boring, and oftentimes don't work out, because they realize, "What am I doing with this old guy?" 

Keeping with the cars and women comparison for just a little longer, if you don't get a tune up for an automobile over time, what might happen?  Problems and more problems.  The warning lights inside the dash are clicking on and off and the car is becoming more of an issue than you can handle.  Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that you got something fixed on it?  Like what irresponsible men do with their beloved aging cars, they run their old ladies into the ground and then do the same with young women.

It's unfortunate men and women have to learn the hard way before recognizing that their personal views, when it comes to relationships along with how they treat one another, has a lot to do with why they are often unhappy and unsatisfied.  With each new person that comes into one's life, it becomes increasingly difficult to get needs met.  After awhile one gets exhausted with the mind games and eventually settles down sometimes with a decent human being, but most often with the one you should have, could have stayed away from.

A mature man is called that for a reason, he is no longer like a boy or young man childish in his ways.  However, if he is still thinking of women like cars, it is only a matter of time, that he will trade the poor girl in for a new model.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and other books.



10 Reasons Why...Men like dating younger women

Immature + Mature = More Relationship Problems

A dating relationship between older and younger, rich and poor, even handicap and well can work, but immature and mature? Nope.  A mature man dating an immature woman will not last if the immature woman doesn't ever grow up.  The immature older man and the mature younger woman dating relationship won't work either.  Common sense shows that when one is dating anyone incompatible with he or she, it is only a matter of time that if one person doesn't conform to be more compatible, the dating relationship won't work in the long term.  This would explain why some intelligent folks dating the immature might compromise normal behavior for abnormal or why some unintelligent folks might start "acting" more mature.  If you want your relationship to last, you have to make some changes whether they be right or worse, wrong for you.  That's right I said wrong, because some people are more concerned about wanting someone to like them; rather than questioning whether certain behaviors are just wrong.  They are willing to conform to just about anything just to keep that man or woman that they are benefiting from which is so wrong!  If you start doing some things in the relationship that you know aren't right for you, beware, it is only a matter of time that you will grow weary of trying to "fit in" just to stick it out with someone especially if this person is the immature one.

Most people as you know, don't like change.  So the older you are, the least likely you will want to change.  For instance, a silly, immature young woman will see a more serious, older man as boring when she is still interested in going out with her friends and partying.  A silly, immature older man may consider a mature younger woman as an "old soul" and feel like he could have dated someone his own age since this younger woman acting older doesn't represent his idea of what a fountain of youth may look or act like--something he might have been craving.

There are many logical as well as illogical reasons as to why someone would be looking to date someone older or younger, but if you are going to enter into this kind of dating relationship, you have to pick someone that is compatible with you whether you consider yourself to be mature or immature.  Trying to find someone who is on your level of maturity, may be difficult, because sometimes dates will manipulate who they really are at least until you get to know them better. 

You may want to ask what your closest friends think of your level of maturity.  Sometimes we may think one thing, but the world sees someone totally different.  Not being honest with yourself about your level of maturity will make it even more challenging to find someone compatible.  Some people think because they are a certain age they are considered mature, but not so fast!  There are many older men who act immature and many younger women who are surprisingly mature.  When the two meet one another, at first, it seems like they may have a lot in common, but then in time, the two will find that one is really not who he or she claims to be.

What the younger woman may have thought was a mature man seated in front of her, turns out to be a little boy looking for some motherly attention and what the mature man thought was this young, free spirit, is really a full grown woman looking for a man to love and care for her in a future marriage.  If you look beyond the surface when choosing a date and pay close attention to the mannerisms and thoughts being conveyed to you by your date, you will find yourself getting a good look at what the future might hold with this person whether he or she is straightforward with you or not.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate  

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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