Showing posts with label older men health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label older men health. Show all posts


Encourage Your Man to Take Care of Himself

He's complaining about his eyesight.  He is often talking about "feeling so tired...and not as energetic as I use to be..."  One day you thought you might have to call an ambulance for him because he just didn't look or act his self.  Caring partners will not only do kind things but express their care by telling one another the difficult truth about what they see and feel in one another.

Your partner might have noticed an increase in symptoms impacting his heart, kidneys or circulation.  What's up with this guy? He has strange feelings in his chest, bathroom issues, and pain in his legs.  On the outside, he looks good, but what is really going on under the hood?  Could he have diabetes?

There is new research out there about diabetes.  You might be familiar with Type 1 or Type 2 and thought, "That is what old people have like my mom and dad."  But there are many people who aren't very old suffering from this disease.  Learn more about diabetes, The New Diabetes Research That Could Change Everything, on the Vitamonk website.


Exercise and Health - It Makes a Difference

Take a moment and look around, what do you see on TV screens, social networking sites, on the street, and more?  Other than the attractive men and women, there are many who have let themselves go.  Their faces show that they have been through much.  Past break ups, financial challenges, emotional and/or physical pain, workplace issues, and more.  Where does all the stress go?  It shows up on their bodies.  Exercise and maintaining your health is important especially if you are dating or in a serious relationship with someone.

On another blog, I talked about "Midlife Mean" a stage in men's lives that make them easily angered and mistreat partners.  If one doesn't take care of his self he will be moody.  He also won't make for a good mate/lover/friend and the same is true if you are younger as well. 

Daily exercise such as walking, running, tending to household chores, and more will assist with one's health challenges, but he or she must also be willing to eat healthy too and watch his or her portion sizes and the times one chooses to eat and abstain from food too.  If you are having some health trouble, do take the time to make a doctor's appointment to find out what might be causing your symptoms.

If you have ever felt quite miserable after eating too much or even too little, you may have experienced a fluctuation in your mood, tiredness, irritability, and more.  Staying consistent in your eating and exercise habits as well as taking necessary supplements will uplift you mentally and physically.  Your partner will begin to notice a change in you and most likely will want to do similar things.

Part of having a quality relationship with someone is showing them just how much you love and appreciate them, but you also have to do the same for you too!  Take care of your body and it will take care of you!

Nicholl McGuire


Age is Just a Number By Tim Feeser

If you are a middle-age man who is seeking to get back into shape, then let the author of Age is Just a Number motivate you!  Check out this new book on by clicking here.

A Player with a Private Problem - When the Older Man Thinks It's the Ladies

He was a man who had a lot of lovers in his youth, beautiful ugly, older, younger, tall, short, fat, skinny in many different hues.  Yet, he had a problem, one that his family didn't know about.

It wasn't that he didn't have much money, he had more than enough.  His issue wasn't an addiction, oftentimes he was sober.  He didn't have a mental problem, he proved time and time again he had plenty of sense.  No, his issue was that member below, that love stick.  It worked when it felt like it.

Now this man wasn't physically fit, nor was he an eye-catcher.  But he had a way with words.  He complimented women, made them laugh, and gave them a gift or two when he really liked certain ones.  The young ladies had no clue he had personal problems until he kept them around for awhile.  As he grew older, the man realized that his younger companions might catch on to his secret, so he learned not to date them for long.

The man liked to blame his lovers for not turning him on or start disputes to distract the women's minds from what was really going on with him in the bedroom.  He would act as if he didn't like one or two, when he really did, there was one he actually loved once upon time.  Yet, his pride would get the best of him and he just couldn't admit that it wasn't that the women didn't turn him on anymore, he just couldn't remain erect. 

His private issue wasn't a new problem, he had struggled with it for years.  Medicines, herbal remedies, and supplements only complicated matters.  Exercise gave him a thrill once in awhile. 

When it came to dating, the frustrated, lonely man put on a smile, dressed well, and acted as if he was on top of the world while inside he was bitter with his Creator, "Why me!?" he exclaimed one day.  There was no answer from his Maker.

Family and friends who admired the player had no clue.  They reasoned, "He knows how to get them...he is good at what he does!"  Sure, he was good at drawing women into his world, but keeping them, well that was another matter. 

Little did loved ones know what was really up or shall we say down with him.

Nicholl McGuire

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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