An age gap dating advice blog that provides valuable tips when dating older men and younger women. Thought-provoking relationship tips for older men seeking to date younger women. Please be advised to seek a professional for serious issues. Contributors are not all licensed or trained in relationship counseling. This blog is not for people under the age of 18.
How Do You Know the Older Man is Really as Clean as He Says He Is
The Ugly Reality of Dating an Older Partner with Low T or Hormonal Issues
Some menopausal wives recognize their actions and inactions in their marriages and will work hard to try to restore them even going so far as to say downright foolish things to try to keep their husbands. Then there are those men with health issues, who may still want to be with their wives, but not live with them, so they will try to live double lives. He may be with his wife on one day and then with his girlfriend on another day and so on.
Ashamed, miserable, and broken, what once was is no more for some couples who have been together for 10 plus years. Yet, for others, their younger partners become nothing more than past times until the former couple gets whatever needs to be fixed in their minds, bodies and spirits. An aha moment comes and before long, he is wanting to get remarried to his ex, she is desiring a baby, and the two believe that they will live happily ever after--not likely. The two have left behind a trail of broken hearts, the older man and his menopausal wife. They act as if everything is okay with the world until an ex shows up with some bad news, a former lover just finds it hard to let go, and someone else is not going away without a fight in court.
There is a price to pay when one doesn’t take care of his or her issues within a relationship before stepping out on his wife or husband. A young woman can become pregnant by an older man, even with low T (testosterone) issues, and before long, that relationship becomes nothing more than another chapter in history. The menopausal wife may find that a fling here and there with a younger gentleman suitor just isn’t worth it, but then later learns she is carrying an incurable sexually transmitted disease.
Why couldn’t he have stuck it out with his wife before wrecking havoc on someone else? Why couldn’t his wife hang in there a little longer? The emotional roller coaster of a ride comes into play with younger partners when the older ones make promises that they know they can’t keep.
“I love you…I am over my wife…Don’t worry I will take care of you…my husband and I are getting a divorce…” The younger person should be thinking, “Well, if that happens great, but I’m not sticking around. I can find someone else with less baggage.”
Not every person deemed “mature” really is. Not every older man is caring, nurturing, and able to provide a lifestyle of security. Not every older woman is patient, sweet, and wants sex all the time. Contrary to what many may have heard and read about “the older date,” there are many who have issues due to things like: bad eating, addictions, trauma, mental issues and chronic health ailments. These people do not turn out to be what a younger person might expect after much Internet reading, interviewing others on their experiences, and going out on several dates or more. Smiling photographs of older people dating younger don’t reveal the issues that many couples face due to age differences. Sure it sounds nice as long as the older partners are single, healthy, active, and mentally sound, but when things change, one must be prepared for all sorts of challenges.
Once the writing is on the wall, so to speak, don’t try to put your own spin on truth, see it for what it really is and ask yourself, “Do I really want to go on this journey with my low T lover or my moody menopausal partner?” Keep in mind, sooner or later, the ride will end either with the young person still seated in the passenger seat alone, kicked off the ride, or ready for another one with his or her mature partner.
Nicholl McGuire
When All the Older Gentleman Wants is a Companion
A young woman and an older man who are on the go often, meeting people, volunteering, working, and just living a full life will have a bunch of stories to tell. They will enjoy long talks at places they like to frequent. They will share knowledge of some sites they might want to visit one day together. There is a lot to do and a woman who likes to communicate and travel is a great catch for an older man who still very much has a lot of life in him!
When one has lived a life of strife, it is hard to come by good friends. Sometimes the only friend that one has is his or herself. Quality friendship is something that most people desire. No matter how many riches a man has, he will most likely want the company of a woman who can keep a secret, respect him, provide assistance in times of need, and hopefully love him for who he is and not just what he can give her. A young lady who truly knows what it means to be a good friend will be one of the lucky ones to land a nice, generous, older man one day!
Physical Touch without the Sex
Believe it or not, back when you were in high school, you didn’t have sex with everyone you met, you actually had friendships where the only thing you did was hold hands and hug. There are still many people in this world who love one another but have a lack of interest in sex due to a number of mental and body health issues. So hand-holding is good, a hug better, and a soft kiss is the best for some May-December relationships.
Consider looking beyond what many expect will occur between an older man and a younger woman dating; instead, find ways to build on the romance, appreciate one another, learn, and grow in this ever-changing world together!
Nicholl McGuire
Thoughts on Leaving Older Partner to Date Younger
Dull Romances
We can't avoid those periods in our relationships where everything starts to become a bit mundane and routine. Unless one is working an interesting job, have a great network of people that keep him or her excited, and money to spend to visit fun places at will (along with the desire to do it), the person seeking to leave his or her older partner just might be as boring as them, but just doesn't realize it yet. Running into the arms of someone more interesting is just a temporary pick-me-up, but sooner or later you will begin to notice that the same things you didn't want in the last relationship are going to start to show up in the new one.
Health Concerns
Unfortunately, some couples just can't make it, because one or both can't handle health issues. From andropause to menopause woes, if a lover didn't have the patience to contend with those health challenges with his or her last partner, what makes this person think that everything will be just fine with someone younger? Most young women can still bear children which will affect the body in time especially when she starts having that need to want to become pregnant. Many take birth control which has been known to fluctuate mood, weight, and more. So for the older man who thinks he can do better by getting someone younger while leaving an older partner and possibly children behind, he just might inherit a few new problems that he might not be ready for like a future offspring affecting his mood and weight. Also, take into consideration the many people who are walking this earth with an incurable sexual disease, mental disorders, criminal records and other issues brought on by wreckless behaviors, bad parenting, peer influences, etc. Know what you are getting into beyond the nice smile, sexy body and whatever else you are looking for.
Relatives and Friends
No matter who one dates, there will always be certain relatives and friends that may be very important in his or her life that the one dating younger won't necessarily like or agree with. Criticism comes and goes from loved ones when starting any new relationship. But if this is one reason why you just can't stand being with your older ex, it's not a very good one especially if you still have to deal with a few relatives because of children. Besides, you just might find that your younger mate's relatives and friends won't be any easier on you particularly if there is a significant age difference between you and younger mate.
A young woman who leaves a relatively stable relationship just because she feels like her older man just isn't doing it for her, might regret her decision later. If age is the only factor that bothers her, nowadays there are plenty of things men can take and do to better their lifestyles. But leaving an older man solely for the beauty of a younger man is foolish and unwise. Money may not be a factor in the relationship, but then it might be. Some younger women stay because of money while others leave because there is no assistance for what they have to put up with concerning an older man (ie. aging process, children with an ex, long work hours, etc.) so they go back to dating younger. However, young men, who aren't necessarily ready for a committed relationship, but think they are, have been known to be unfaithful, immature, and unreliable in serious relationships. Also, consider many who are irresponsible with their finances and selfish. But for those young men who aren't, the young woman just might find a treasure in more ways than one. For older men, who believe that a younger woman can complete him, know that most young women aren't established and don't have the wealth that he who has had decades to build. An older mate will find that at some point in the relationship his younger partner will need his financial assistance, so if he isn't the generous type, there will be issues.
These are just some of the many things one who is interested in leaving an older partner for a younger mate might run into. For some readers, this piece might have discouraged and if so, most likely you still love and respect your older mate. But for others, you may still want to leave your mate for any and all reasons, just keep in mind that those "in love" feelings with a new someone are temporary and they are not what builds a healthy long-lasting relationship, but you know that already. To your success!
Nicholl McGuire is the blogger for this blog. Check out others: Things to Do Bored and Parents, Babies, Children
Health Issues, Ex Dilemmas, Unsupportive Children: Younger Woman Is He Worth It?
Let's just be honest, some men (and women too) just don't see their flaws or their personal dramas. If they do, they ignore them and hope that the person they are with will ignore them too. But how long will you look the other way when his soldier isn't standing erect, his children are being disrespectful or when he is often tired when you are ready to do anything but watch TV for leisure every weekend! There is something wrong when an older man doesn't appreciate or act interested in a woman who is young, sexy, energetic, caring, and intelligent. If all he can see and complain about is say: her annoying friend, her interests in her family, the way she organizes the house, or some odd thing she does with her eyes, then you have to wonder what kind of man is he. A perfectionist, controlling, stubborn, or just weird?
Yes, young woman, you who happened to come across this blog, could have someone more compatible. But for some of you, you keep your old man around like he does an old lazy boy chair, he's comfortable--that's right, comfortable. He may look worn, tired and may have a few things wrong with him, but he is still comfortable to sit or lay on. You just don't have the courage nor desire to trade him for a new one. The signs are all around you, "Get a new chair! Here's a quality one, better than the one you got...come get me!" the new, improved chair just screams, "I'm here. I can do a good job too!" But what do some young women do, look for reasons to keep their old chairs like their old men around until they have simply had enough! "I am tired of your lazy, old behind...can't you do more for me besides sit there and do nothing! Why do I still see the stains of exs, children and your health issues years later! What the X%$# have I got myself into?" the disgruntled younger woman yells.
When she has made up her mind (and one day she will) and sees that the old dog just won't do any new tricks with her (and only her), she will leave sooner or later. Pray for yourself or if you know someone in a relationship like this, pray for her.
Nicholl McGuire
Author of When Mothers Cry
When You Date Old School, Expect Old School Treatment
Certain family members won't accept you.
As much as we all would like to be accepted by our partner's relatives, it just won't happen. There will be those in his family that will not go along just to get along especially if they are Christian or have some other belief system. Your partner may not see anything wrong with cohabitation, but his mother, sister, brother or someone else will. He may find that having a child out of wedlock isn't a big deal like it once was, but his family or maybe even yours are giving you a firestorm of criticism. Sometimes it is your special someone who is the one who is against all things deemed immoral while you are more laid back. Whatever the issue, you will have to respect his faith, uphold your personal views, as well as consider the opinions of those around you. It also doesn't hurt to consider what people are saying and why they may be reacting negatively about you and your companion being together. Sometimes relatives simply don't care what you do, but if you have a faith, ask yourself, "What does my Creator think?"
Friends won't find you have much in common with them.
When there is a significant age difference, you will find it challenging to make friends with his friends. Some women disdain younger women being with older men, because unfortunately they have had their share of cheating partners and disrespectful young women in their presence. As much as you would like for friends to accept you and act interested in what you have to say, think about this, "Would you really be interested in associating with people 15 or 20 years younger than you?"
Your mature partner may treat you differently than younger dates.
A relationship that may have started off good, may end up being a terrible choice, because you or your mature lover may have allowed far too many voices to influence the way you see one another. He may start acting distant as if trying to erase his mistake with picking you. On the other hand, you may stop calling or coming around him, because you know that he too was a bad choice. When a couple comes to the realization that they may have bit off more than they can chew (when it comes to building a relationship that lasts,) it is best to get out as soon as you can or seriously consider making changes in the relationship that will help it evolve into a marital commitment. Otherwise, you wait too long and you will find yourself making more and more mistakes that will be harder and harder to fix. Even worse, some things we do to others, can never be undone and unfortunately we reap the consequences later despite having prayed about them and sought wise counsel.
Be certain that when you date old school, you know the rules of the old school.
Nicholl McGuire
Love or Sex? Young Woman You Ought to Find Out What He Wants
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You won't know what is really going on inside that man's head if you are not asking questions and observing his actions. Is what he is saying, matching his actions? Most older men know what to expect when it comes to dating and marriage, because they have years of experience. They have been the player and been played. They have watched their father, uncles, and others in their families play women. So an older man, unless he has a mental handicap, has a plan of action when it comes to loving and sexing a woman. He isn't interested in what she has to say if she isn't establishing boundaries from the minute he has laid eyes on her.
Men are attentive to women who not only look good, but have something between their ears (notice I didn't refer to that other thing--lol,) called a brain. So some men like what is between one's legs as well, but is that going to keep the relationship going when he runs into some challenging times in his life? What are you offering besides a pretty smile and a butt?
If you want love, Young Woman, then let it find and dine you. If you desire a real companion, then put the breaks on all the romantic settings, and just allow you two to learn more about one another without the fluff like pretty hair, painted nails, a nice dress and a great restaurant.
Who is that man that calls you on the phone, really? What is really going on between the lines of text and email that he sends you? Does he really love you for always or does he just want to sex you today?
Nicholl McGuire
How to Take it Slow When Dating: 7 Dos of Getting to Know Your Mate
One. Do go to plenty of public places together.
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Two. Do spend more time talking on the phone and using email during those early weeks of getting to know one another.
So many people miss signs that a person really isn’t their match, because they are often in a rush to get to the intimate stage of the relationship. Take this time to watch how they react when problems arise. Observe whether they keep their word about calling you on the phone or responding to your email.
Three. Do prepare questions to ask him or her prior to every meeting.
Have something to talk about every time you meet. Life is too short to allow opportunities to ask questions pass you by. You may be serious about getting married one day, having children, and buying a home. Why waste time by not asking what your potential mate wants out of life, what are the things that he or she values the most, and where does he or she see themselves in the future?
Four. Do participate in gift-giving.
Whether you are the one giving the gift or receiving the gift, expect or return the favor. When someone really likes you as much as they say they do, they will do whatever they can to make you happy and vice versa.
Five. Do date others until you are ready to commit.
You may not be completely sold on seeing this person so why prematurely commit to him or her. Allow yourself to get to know others until you are ready to settle down.
Six. Do explain to your new date that you are dating others.
Many May-December couples start off having problems because no one talks about the others that he or she may be seeing. Be honest about what you are doing. If you find that you have to lie or cover-up about these other relationships, then you may be ready to date this person exclusively. Find out how your date sincerely feels about you. If you both agree to date exclusively, cut the others off and update one another on your progress.
Seven. Do respect one another’s space and personal possessions.
When couples start getting serious about one another they falsely assume that they need to be around one another daily. They also think that they should share everything between one another because they are now a couple. However, it’s because of this kind of thinking that many couples go from being in love to falling out of love. Treasure your time apart and enjoy your things without feeling the need to have to share them all the time.
Now that you have seven dos to assist you with taking it slow while dating, read the article that discusses seven don’ts when taking it slow. These tips will help you get a better understanding of what it really means when people tell you to “take your time, take it slow, don’t rush…”
By Nicholl McGuire
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
The Worry Over the Age Difference
He may have joked about your being a baby or was angry and accused you of acting immature. She may have commented about how old you are looking lately or laughed about how much older you act when in certain situations. It happens, the reality sinks in that she is young enough to be your daughter or he is old enough to be your dad. Before long, you are stressing about the large gap between your ages.
The thoughts of age differences come and go like a nagging headache. You would love to feel comfortable in this relationship, like you did with all the others when you started out, but you are finding it more and more difficult. How many times will you think, “When I was only this age, he was…” or “When she was only a baby, I was graduating from college…”? Don’t ignore those gut feelings. Some important differences are beginning to show and you will need to think about what makes you feel this way, address it, and if there is no resolve, consider moving on.
Sticking around with someone who you aren’t 100% convinced you want to commit to a long-term relationship will only conjure up feelings of resentment and thoughts like these: “Why did I ever get involved with him? What was I thinking when I slept with her? Who am I kidding, she is just too young! I could never see myself with him forever!”
When you least expect it, out slips something you wish you could take back. The next thing you know you find yourself or your partner is apologizing. However, insecure feelings have already arisen and there is nothing an apology can do. He or she will most likely worry over, “What did you really mean by that statement?” for a long time.
The best advice, when it comes to those age difference worries, is to take the time alone (without your partner, family or friends in your ear cheering your relationship or booing it.) Begin to start thinking long-term. The person you are dating has feelings and would very much like to know how you really feel about them. Tell the truth, because if you don’t, your actions (or lack thereof) will speak louder than words. Unfortunately, that’s when relationships problems really start showing up such as: the silent treatment, phone calls go unanswered, a partner starts dating others without officially breaking up, dates decline, arguments are more frequent, and lies increase.
Lies Young Women Believe from Older Men
So what do you have to do young ladies? Be one step ahead of the game. I know that men stand back and watch and learn about us so that they know how to play the game, but the key is to present everything out on the table and that eliminates the need to play games.
Do you want an older man for just sex? Yes or no. If you answered yes, then tell him that. If your answer is no, then he needs to know that especially if you have other reasons for befriending him. Maybe you are a young woman trying to escape your strict parents, if so, not a good idea to run into the arms of an older man, even though he would be more than glad to accommodate you, but you want to be more than a man's sex toy now don't you?
Naive women believe all sorts of lies! They believe a man when he says, "I love you" especially after a good sexual release. They believe him when he says, "You are the only one for me" even though another woman's voice was heard via the cell phone saying, "See you later, Sexy!" They believe a man if he says, "I was working late, honestly" but every time you try to reach him hours after the workday is over you can't get him!
As much as you want to believe that man you find yourself falling in love, please do fact check ladies! That's right, make his so-called smart self THINK you believe him. There is nothing wrong with double-checking what anyone says. Chances are after you are finished reading this, you will double-check with someone to see if what I have told you is good information or not, so do the same with that man who promises you everything!
Mature men have been walking this planet for a long while and some of these young women, who think they know-it-all and no one can tell them anything, believe they can walk circles around them. Don't be so sure! You just might be the one being left broken-hearted with egg on your face!
At least in the beginning of your romance, have fun and enjoy what he has to offer, but when things like, "Let's move in together. Let's get married. Let's have a baby. Let me meet your parents..." come up, you better be fact-finding what is on this man's mind including performing a background check on his "too good to be true" butt!
Your older man may be having some things on his mind that he isn't letting you in on at least not yet. He may feel pressured to get married and have children, because all his buddies have all done it, his mother is a Christian, his dad wants grand-kids, or his emotions are temporarily going haywire!
Know what you are getting yourself into before you stop taking birth control, packing your bags to move in with him and more. Have a deep conversation with yourself and learn how to strategically play the game of life, like chess, anticipate your opponent's every move. Trust me, he is doing it with you!
Nicholl McGuire
Some Boring Older Men: Career First, Fun Never
He sold the young woman on lies that he was a great guy to be around. The truth was most people found him a bit of a recluse, quiet, and at times slightly angry. He liked to go to nice places, travel, and he had the income to back up everything he promised. So the time came for them to get together. At first having sex often kept both distracted, but one day the woman awoke to reality and wanted more than just a penis inside of her, she wanted a man. A Prince Charming, if you will, a fun guy that would take her places, shower her with gifts, and just live a little outside of the bedroom. She told her date about her concerns, he listened with his ears, but did nothing with his feet.
As days together became weeks and weeks turned into years, weekends together didn't change. A movie, sex, breaks for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and do it all over again. Eventually she grew bored with him. She started fantasizing what it would be like to be with someone her own age.
This story is based on true facts. Younger women who complain about boring, older men. What is it about career minded older men that make some so boring anyway? For one, they don't attempt to do anything outside of their comfort zone. They talk alot, but don't deliver. Second, they assume that the woman will plan everything. How can a woman who doesn't have alot of life experience know what makes a man tick especially if her past experiences with men are few? Lastly, they don't educate themselves on the needs of women. How can you keep a woman when you don't bother to act on what you learn from romantic films, women's magazines, and advice from those who are in successful marriages?
The younger woman must be discerning of a man before she chooses to date him much less sleep with him. She must observe what he calls "fun." Ask him what he did last weekend, the weekend before and so on. If there is a pattern of staying home and watching television and she enjoys getting out into the community, then she should know that a future with him will be dull and boring. She should picture days of him coming home from work, plopping down in front of the television, and expecting her to entertain herself without him. Throw children into the mix and she will find that she will be entertaining them most of the time not him.
Some men simply don't know how to do anything more than go to work. They are often tired and prefer to be left alone to do what they want when they want to do it. It isn't any wonder that some of these men are cheated on, their wives leave them, or don't give them sex, etc. Young women should avoid pitying men who tell them that their exs did any of these things to them. Most likely, the ex had her reasons and they just didn't come into being either.
Remember young woman, you are only hearing one side of the story and he will not tell you all the details of what went wrong in the last relationship no matter how much you ask especially if he knows he is guilty.
When a young woman discovers her so-called fun guy is really a dull guy, she has a choice: she can either adjust her interests to suit his lifestyle (which is a bad choice because she is not living her life), she can explain to him how she would like to do more with him and would he honor what he has promised, or she can tell him that she thought he was her match, but unfortunately she has found that he isn't. The older man may take her words into consideration and do more, but then he may be doing some things out of his comfort zone. If he is honest with her, he may say, he is not interested in going places, and prefer to stay home most of the time. But how many older men who are trying to keep a younger woman is going to be truthful? That is why she has to recognize the signs that say he is not her match. The young woman must take initiative and move on, rather than try to be something she is not or make him act in ways that he is not.
Most older men are not interested in doing much but working, watching TV, sleeping, shopping for their interests, occasionally visiting family, and meeting with a few friends every now and then. An active older man with money to spend to travel, explore new places, participate in fun classes, etc. is in the minority! Young women don't be deceived by the men who promise you a life of fun and games. There may be some games -- the kind that play with your mind, so be careful.
Nicholl McGuire
The Possibility Of Marriage Through Online Dating
Sometimes internet romances lead to a turbulent marriage, unwanted babies, venereal disease and more, so if you know you aren't ready for that kind of thing LOL, slow down with all the sappy talk, promises, and "I can't wait to be with you..." mush. Rather, be the adult and ask the hard questions, the kind that make your love interest think. Listen closely and read between the lines. Does he or she call you only on certain days? This person might be in a relationship with someone whether bad or good (they are still committed to someone else) or have children (that you know you aren't even a little bit interested in LOL.) This person may write to you with many grammatical errors, misspells, and doesn't answer your questions. He or she may not be as intelligent as they would like for you to believe. He or she may also be unable to articulate his or her thoughts which most likely means he or she is a bad communicator. Does your love interest seem like he or she is in a rush to get married, live with you or relocate? This person could be running from someone or something, lost a job, or may be difficult to live with. Think of more things he or she said or typed that were red flags. Re-read those past emails and analyze them!
Its the little things that you must pay attention to in order to determine whether your young hottie or old stallion is really right for you like he or she brags.
Thank you for reading! Now onto the "Possibility of Marriage..."
Marriage through online dating is rising fast in popularity. A number of eligible bachelorettes these days have sorted to online dating to be able to find a potential partner. Online dating is not as taboo as it used to be before. The idea of two complete strangers meeting up through the Internet to have lunch or dinner is already accepted in the society.
And frequently, these simple lunch and dinner dates end up in more intimate results; hence the possibilities of marriage through online dating. Most online dating services provide success stories on their site.
A few decades ago, before the rise of the Internet, strangers meet at a bar or a club. Then, they get to know each other further by phone calls and old-fashioned snail mails. But with the Internet, a woman does not have to get dressed or wear make-up to have fun conversations with men online.
There are plenty of sites that offer online dating services. There are also articles found on the Internet and magazines that may be used as guides on this kind of service. A woman may learn the proper ways to communicate with a man on the Internet through such guides.
When a woman finds a man that interest her, they could chat online and swap photos. They could also tell each other their favorite things, movies, hobbies, and food. However, certain precautions must be observed.
Although marriage through online dating is indeed possible, there are also times when online dating can be disastrous. In some news articles, horrible stories of online daters are told. Some “potential boyfriends” turned out to be scammers or maniacs. That is why is important for a woman to trust her gut instinct and follow some safety tips before you signs up to an online dating service and meet a man she just met online.
By: jhonnycorrz
When you have tried everything else to meet your potential husband it could be time to join the a dating online service. If you like more dating tips for women first you can visit for online dating and safety tips.
Effect of Younger Women on Older Men For Rejuvenation
One can argue about the veracity of the recipe recommended by the eastern manuals, but the western world has only now accepted this though with some reservations. This acceptance has come about because this is a subject of study in the west. In the United States this aspect has been studied by some scientists. Scholars at Stanford and the University of California-Santa Barbara have carried out research on this aspect of a man's sexual relationship with a younger woman. The study at the beginning of the twenty first century has made some revelations that have been known to the oriental for many hundreds of years. The study concluded that an older man who had a sexual relationship with a younger woman tended to live longer.
On the face of it a lot many rationalists and a lot of women as well are apt to negate this study. But there is no doubt that a relationship with a younger woman for a male does have a beneficial effect on him. It affects the physiology of the male. The male feels younger and has an intense desire to please his younger partner. This desire allows a male to do certain acts that will give his sex an impetus as well as please his younger partner. The Max Plank institute in Germany carried out a study on this aspect as well. Scientists there concluded that man tended to live longer if took as his sexual mate a woman who preferably was about 15 to 17 younger than him. Statistics are always difficult to digest but scientists at the institute feel that longevity of the male could go up by as much as 20%.Ancient sex manuals also say the same thing.
For a lot many people it is difficult to accept this. But there every day sex with a younger woman may make the man live longer. This is because the sex act by itself is a therapy. The effect on the man and his physiology is beneficial as it gives a purpose to a man in his life. He will exercise and keep himself fit as a desire to please his partner becomes a tremendous motivating force for him.
In the everyday world it is very difficult to start a relationship between older men and much younger women. There are very limited ways for this though a relationship in the office with an older boss or colleague is an accepted norm. But now with the advent of the internet the chance to start a relationship are greatly increased. People seem less likely to be concerned about the age difference on the net and love could blossom.
A younger woman will always make her partner feel younger. During the relationship or marriage the man will strive to please his partner leading to very beneficial results for him. A younger woman will help a man to stay in the same sexual level even with passage of a year or so.
Men, who have sex daily, especially with younger women, are more likely to live longer. A study in Denmark from 1990 to 2005 has concluded that higher life expectancy of the male could be because of younger women caring for their men. Obviously one may well ask as to what is there in such a relationship for a woman. For a younger woman it can be a very exciting surprise whose only sexual experience may have been only with men of her age. Women often complain that their need for foreplay is much more and a lot men do not get it. This is a plus point as an older man will take time to rouse himself and in the process he could spend a long time to raise the pitch of his younger partner. The result can only be beneficial. In addition older men are able to have more control over the physical and mental state of the woman and obviously more knowledge of what gives the greater pleasure to his younger partner.
The ancient sex manuals of the orient have given a lot of theory and to put it to practical use it is up to the man.
By Madan G Singh
Great Tips For Dating Older Men
No two women are alike. While some women enjoy dating men that are similar in age to them, other women prefer either younger or older guys. Although many aspects of dating different aged men are the same, there are some unique considerations if you are interested in someone who is significantly older than you. Older men often offer something unique to the women in their lives. Not only are they more emotionally mature than younger men, but they are already established in their lives and careers. This gives them the advantage of usually having more time to devote to the women in their lives. One of the most helpful tips for dating older men is to be self confident just as they are.
Mature men often come into a relationship with self confidence. They've done the dating and relationship thing before and they know exactly who they are and what they are looking for. Being confident is incredibly attractive to every man and especially so to an older man. Don't apologize for any of your self-perceived shortcomings and embrace who you are as a woman. Never be ashamed if you are a little overweight or if you don't have that executive job that you've always dreamed of yet. Love who you are and an older man will be more likely to love you back. This is really the most important of the tips of dating older men.
Remember that older men may have a different set of values than you do. If you like to hold hands and be affectionate in public this may not be something he's comfortable with. Someone who is older than you was raised in a different time than you and may feel that cuddling is best left in private. Let him guide you in this situation. If you are out shopping or having dinner and he reaches for your hand, embrace his. Letting him set the pace is one of the tips for dating older men that you want to always keep in mind when you are together.
Treat him once in a while. Many older men are very chivalrous and will insist on paying for everything when you two are out together. This is obviously a really lovely gesture but it's also nice to take the reigns sometimes and treat him. He'll really appreciate how thoughtful you are being and he'll love that you value him just as much as he does you.
Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!
By Gillian ReynoldsYou don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.
Tips For Dating Older Men - Top 5 Tips on Dating Older Men
There are lots of advantages in dating older men. They are emotionally much more mature. They have also already established themselves in their career and life so they have ample time to devote to their woman. But older men will always go for self confidant women. Be prepared to put your best foot forward.
Have a life of your own. Always be smiling, having a zest for life. Be upbeat, don't fret over negativities of life. This will put you in an advantageous position as you will be always glowing from inner beauty which in turn will make you more attractive to older men.
One of the vital tips for dating older men is to be a woman with a positive attitude because they don't want their women to be an appendage. Older men want their woman to be independent, vibrant and full of life. They want you to contribute positivity to the relationship.
For dating older men you must be prepared to give them the rein of the relationship. Don't be aggressive, let them lead you. At their age they like to take the upper hand as they are more experienced than you are. It has nothing to do with your capability or a reflection on your abilities. Moreover they will treat you like a lady. Learn to let them open the door, pull your chair, and the like. Chivalry is not dead with older men. So go on... just enjoy it!!
While dating older men you should take care not to show your affection in public places. They are not very comfortable with it. Older men are inclined to be more reserved in public and quite demonstrative in private, of their affection. Don't fret if he doesn't hug or kiss you at the street corners or when you are out with him.
Dating older men doesn't mean the end of your sex life. It is exactly the opposite. With mature men you will have a great time in bed, as with his age, he has gathered lots of experience. At his age he need not prove anything about his sexuality, so he will take more time, effort and care to satisfy his partner.
Only difference in your sex life may be about the frequency of it. Because, for older men companionship, sharing experiences and ways to relax with their woman take predominance. He has reached a point in his life where he is comfortable with who he is without having to prove.
by Sara M. Jones
While looking to attract older men, first be convinced that this is the category you want to go after. Then arm yourself with some awesome tips for dating older men at
The Older Man Syndrome
In my philosophy of thinking, age is just a number. It doesn’t attach itself to any man thing, or importance. There are mature men at fifty, and there are immature men at sixty. Where does that leave us?
I dated a man who was eleven years older than me, and it was great for the moment. The man had wisdom all over the place. It got to a point that he was taking his wisdom and running all over the place with it, and driving me to drink. I was truly in need of a Matai and then some.
The fact that he was so much older than me he thought he had the key to the world and then some. He treated me like I was his daughter, and he was my father. We also have to realize that a man who is ten years older than someone is under the assumption that he’s the king of the castle, and you will worship the ground he spit on. I think not!
My man was living in the 21st century, but he was still hibernating in the prehistoric days where the dinosaurs ruled the world and then some. He had this concept that men were still the chief at arms, and when I say do something, or don’t do something, you obey, follow, and give me the respect I deserve and then some. I knew at this precise moment that my man was going to be my eliminated man.
Now don’t get me wrong because my man had some perks which attracted me to him, but the issues of being the dominant factor in the relationship bordered on the ridiculous and then some.
1. No one told me what to do because I was truly a grown woman.
2. There were no masters and kings in this day and age.
3. The man and woman are on equal levels.
4. Respect is given and received.
5. You are not my father, and I am not your mother.
An older man is stuck in his ways and this is an understatement thank you very much. He was built with these factors, and no amount of loving, good sex, convincing and persuading will change his mind. It was going to be his way, and if you think that you can change a man, then forget about it. No amount of anything would change his mind. If you gave him one million dollars, you still wouldn’t be able to float his boat around to your thinking. It was truly out of the question.
My concept on older men is that they are wiser in the ways of the world, but they have their faults just like men my age, and younger men. Older men are more established in their employment, and money. My man had just retired from the CTA, so he was bent on doing some of the things he loved doing, but couldn’t do because he was working. Of course my retired man got exhausted, and he ended up going back to work on a part-time basis.
So would you date an older man? I think it depends on the man and not the age of the man. It also depends on the level of your competence in this relationship.
1. Are you willing to handle an older man and his faults?
2. Are you okay with his domination?
3. Are you contented with him treating you like a child, or his daughter?
4. Can you live with his prehistoric ways?
5. Is he sweet, loving, and kind, and you can over look his faults?
6. Do you love him?
7. Does he love you?
8. Is the relationship going anywhere?
9. Is marriage down the line?
10. Does he treat you like a queen?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, or all of them, then your older man is worth it and then some. Forget about his mindless ways, and celebrate the loving he brings to your relationship. Remember age is only a number, and what do we really care about numbers? Sisters we want the love of a good man, and older men bring it on. I think I can handle you.
By Carol Ann Culbert Johnson
I am 43 years old, and my passion is writing. I love it. Please check out my website at and enjoy the ride
Tips For Dating Older Men - Issues That Can Harm Your Relationship
If you're sensitive to criticism or negative remarks from others, then developing a thick skin is one of the best tips for dating older men. Your friends and family might not be thrilled with your choice. They might try to talk you out of continuing the relationship or persuade you not to pursue one in the first place. They can give you all the well-meaning advice they want, but ultimately, this is your life and your decision to make. Don't let these comments get to you or interfere with your relationship. Have confidence in yourself and the choices you make, so that you can enjoy your life.
If your older man has children, this could present an awkward situation for you. If his children are close to your age, they might not appreciate your presence or they might feel threatened by it. Since you're all adults, you should be able to talk these things through in a mature manner. You shouldn't have to put up with any rudeness on their part. Be open to discussion in order to clear the air. Letting hostility or resentment build up can cause some serious damage to your relationship. You don't want your man to feel that he has to choose between you or his children.
Among all the helpful tips for dating older men that you'll find, learning how to compromise is one of the most effective for maintaining a strong relationship. Although you might share a lot in common, be prepared to make some serious changes to your lifestyle when it comes to how you spend time together. He might not have the energy to keep up with a hectic dating schedule, and you might find yourself feeling bored with some of the places he takes you to. This is where compromise comes in handy. You can take turns figuring out when and where you would like to spend time together so that you can both enjoy each other's company without getting frustrated.
There are several other tips for dating older men or to attracting them in the first place, that will also help you enjoy a strong, healthy relationship. Being aware of these is essential in order to avoid problems that could arise. Remember that this is your life and you have the right to make your own decisions, but also remember that there are certain issues associated with the choices you make that could interfere with your happiness.
Need some more advice on maintaining a healthy relationship? These tips for dating older men or attracting them in the first place are important to know so that you can both be happy and stay that way for a long time!
By Anna M Jones
Be Patient: You'll Find Him or He'll Find You
Anyway, I wondered what to expect dating men with thinning hair, grey hair sprouting from here there and everywhere. It was an adjustment every time I dated an older man. Like men, I too am a very visual creature and I had to put aside my personal hang-ups and see the man for who he really was -- a human being, period.
The mature men I met were really no different than the younger men except that they were more stable in their finances, moved a little slower, seemed to hold an intelligent conversation, and really seemed to be into me. I didn't have to worry too much about the wandering eye and the short attention span of a younger beau.
As I learned more and more about these older men, at times I was impressed with their knowledge and other times I felt that I acted more mature than they. I met my share of irresponsible older men, the kind who acted like they had it together, but in reality they didn't. The older women had pushed them out of their lives and now they were desperately seeking anyone who would put up with them. Those men were such a disappointment. I would think, "You decided to reach 40 plus years and act like a fool! You still have nothing to show for your life." In time, I learned more about the mid-life crisis that older men faced and it wasn't any wonder that some was looking for anyone and anything to make them happy.
So what do I want young women to know about older men? Well I say plenty on this blog, but for now one thing you need to know is to be patient.
That's right be patient in any and everything you do when involving yourself with a mature man. If you don't have much dating experience, you will find that he can easily do things to make you feel like he is the best thing since slice bread; however, one day in the midst of feeling in love, his emotions can come crashing down, leaving you feeling broken and depressed asking, "What happened? I thought he loved me!" Some of these men are only in love with the idea of being with a young woman, but not committing to her for a lifetime. Besides if you are a beautiful, energetic woman who clearly has a life and he is the total opposite, he knows that eventually you will meet someone better than him, so he will attempt to end the relationship especially if you aren't acting that interested in him.
Know what you are getting yourself into when seeking out a man half your age or more. He is coming with years of experience and baggage. You may admire his intellect at first, but later it may grow on your nerves because he knows so much more than you. There are times that you might question whether you are with this man because you have some kind of daddy hangups. Maybe daddy wasn't in your life, he didn't seem to care about you, he didn't love you and so fourth. If this is you and you look to your older man to fulfill the role of your dad, then you are headed for trouble! No man can or will replace the love of dad, no man!
When you are ready to take your relationship with an older man to the next level, do heed the advice of the women and men around you. Chances are they all grew up around the same time. So they have a pretty good idea what his mentality may be like particularly if he had a dad in his life. As the old adage goes, "It takes one to know one." The men "back in the day" are much different than the men of today. Women were not as independent as they are nowadays. A man who saw his dad and mother interact from yesteryear, may expect you to be the docile, submissive wife. If you know you couldn't ever be docile or submissive then pick a man your own age or one who can accept you for who you are.
Nicholl McGuire
Stop Being Shy - Quick and Easy Tips
Being myself very shy right up to three months ago, I know how it feels when in company, especially when in front of a person of opposite sex, my tongue used to literally wrap round itself. Then I learned to take advantage of my condition rather than be affected adversely by it. With a few simple suggestions made to me by a successful friend, I was able to overcome my lack in confidence.
The first thing you should do is to speak up. Usually people are unable to speak up in front of other people because nothing really comes up in their mind. Prior decision would be recommended for you in such cases. Practice some common conversations beforehand along with some hot topics.
Telling others about your weakness may also help immensely, not only do people treat shy people specially but also try help them out in other ways like recommending them to some other people.
Who knows that someone you are being recommended to is also shy? But you would still be better off because of your prior practice is some hot topics, something which was recommended earlier.
The last and most effective resort is also the most obvious, have a glass or too of some wine. It helps a lot in loosening up of shy tongues. So just follow these suggestions and you will be able to reintegrate yourself in life.
Get more help to stop being shy with these overcoming shyness tips.
Just Because He's Older Doesn't Mean He is Responsible
Some younger women don't want to face the reality that they got themselves hooked up with a loser! They lie or cover up about their older man's job and/or bank account because they don't want to be ridiculed. Its embarrassing enough for some younger women to be walking with someone that looks older than their dad, but doing better than their older counterpart, well that just doesn't look good!
The key is to learn as much as you can about the man you are potentially thinking about having a serious relationship with and whether or not you can handle the debt you and he may have if you two get together.
Some things you may want to look out for while dating him include:
The kind of entertainment. If he frequently suggests staying home watching a movie or going to a local fast food restaurant, he is carefully watching his money for a reason. Some men are frugal while others are just broke.
Where he shops and where he suggests you shop. Discount and thrift stores are definitely not places to impress someone he doesn't know that well. But if he does this to you, he is letting you know he is thrifty and may have his share of money problems.
The gifts he gives. You may have suggested jewelry, but he brought a six pack of your favorite drink and a book. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. It wasn't a moment of absentmindness, he deliberately went the cheap route, because he simply can't afford you.
Put off committing to any man who is financially unstable, you can do bad all by yourself!