Showing posts with label advice choosing young women to date. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advice choosing young women to date. Show all posts


You Can Date a Younger Woman...

Who said that because you are in your 40s, 50s, 60s plus that you can't/shouldn't/won't date anyone younger?  Life just got interesting for many older men who have met younger women.  Until these youthful beauties came into their lives, many settled.  They went along with someone their own age or older only to regret it.  Many of these men, young at heart, knew they weren't attracted to their older partners like they were younger women, but because of the people around them putting their personal beliefs off on them and the worry of "what will my parents/brothers/sisters think" they stuck a relationship out with someone they should have never dated/married.

So many older women going through a tough menopausal experience wonder why their partners are behaving rudely, acting as if they don't want to be in relationships with them anymore while never bothering to think, "My spouse has changed.  He has grown weary of being in a relationship with me...He has moved on..."  Instead, some women so desperate to keep a man, any man, will let them play.  Play with this woman and that one until their men fall in love with their younger lovers or get them pregnant.  Now what?

Any older man, rich or poor, sweet or sour can date a younger woman if he knows how to relate to her, but can these men love them--truly fall head over heels in love with them?  Can you honestly treat her like a potential wife?  That is the question.  If worries keep you up at night, the thought that you have walked away from an older partner that you might still love or you feel uneasy about committing to a younger woman, then dating younger is just not for you.  Only the strong survive in these age gap relationships.  Yes, the young woman will be tempted by men her own age, older or younger.  Yes, the young woman might want you to commit to her and have a family.  Yes, the young woman might have daddy issues and you might be the solution to her problems.  But whatever your worry/fear, you will have to override it if you want to catch and keep a quality young woman.

The age difference does play a part at some point in the relationship between younger and older.  A man may not want anymore children, yet his young partner does.  He may have some health issues that put a damper on their sex life, and she may be in her prime.  Problems will surface, but it is up to the couple to find a way to alleviate as many challenges as possible.

Think about what you most want to do when it comes to relationships.  If you are serious about being with a young woman (notice I didn't say many women), then let it be known to her and those who matter in your life.

Nicholl McGuire


Avoid Sex with Minors

Here are some reasons not to even think about dating a child much less being intimate with them!  There are laws in the United States against sex with minors.  Although some countries still permit these unions between children and adults, there are serious consequences that prove why one would be better off staying away!  Now some might argue that "Nothing happened when I..." but sooner or later something will, better off removing one's self out of the situation before someone gets hurt!

8-year-old bride dies from internal injuries because of 40-year-old husband


Malaysian Man Accused Of Rape Marries 13-Year-Old Victim; Attorney General Vows To Pursue Charges


Rumor Update: 70-year-old man marries 15-year-old girl


5-year-old Indian girl dies of heart attack after rape (The incident was not an arranged marriage).

Here are some tips when it comes to identifying whether a young woman is really a girl:
1.  She uses heavy makeup and when she appears without it, she looks like a young child.
2.  She doesn't converse like an experienced woman.  For instance, she has little, if any, responsibilites. 
3.  She often talks about parents or caretakers providing for her.
4.  Her ID appears to be tampered with and she acts like she can't be seen with you.
5.  The girl talks about interests that most young women aren't the least bit interested in.
6.  She is hypersexual (often talking about it, clingy, dresses for attention). 
7.  She may or may not act discreet when it comes to sex. She may show signs that she isn't respectful of herself or others. 
8.  When upset, she will cry like a child or have a fit.  She fails to communicate concerns like an adult would.
For more tips, see other articles on this blog under the labels "advice choosing young women to date" and "advice for older men seeking younger women."

Nasty, Crazy, Sexy and Sweet Young Women: Know the Differences

A mature guy wants to go on a rich dating website to find that special someone who is years younger than he.  The kind of gal who is going to be the one that makes his heart sing, but there is only one problem, he really doesn't know what he is looking for in a young woman.  There are all types of young women from nasty to sweet.  If a gentleman whether rich, poor, nice or mean doesn't have a clue as to what really turns him on, why would he expect his youthful date to know what he wants?

Nasty Girl

As much as some would rather look the other way and think more highly of themselves than they ought, Nasty Girl is on the dating website seeking a good time and she is looking for a Nasty Boy.  She may look like any man's fantasy girl, but she isn't necessarily interested in living out the Pretty Woman movie.  She also isn't playing by any book of morals and ethics, and she wouldn't be all that interested in meeting her date's family no matter how long they have dated.  So why does the nice guy fall for her and attempt to make Ms. Nasty date him exclusively, who knows?  If Nasty Girl is your speed, you have to act the part, don't pretend like you aren't nasty when you know you are, hypocrites!  Keep in mind, if a man claims to be a believer in a Higher Power, who he considers righteous, you might want to flee from temptation, because Nasty Girl is very charming and you won't be able to let go easily.

Crazy Girl

Now she is going to be the one who is going to say things that most women wouldn't.  She will act like a fool about almost anything.  "I just love this...I couldn't ever live without...I absolutely so want to...I am obsessed with..." You get the picture.  She is full of emotions, energy, happy one minute, sad the next, and she so very wants to see the world!  But be careful, she falls in love way too fast--might even forget to take a pill or two!  Crazy Girl is ready to drop panties faster than you can say, "Let's go to my place."  Can your cell phone handle all of her future texts, voice mails, and images?  Do you think you are ready to show her off to family, make her your wife and play father to her children within less than six months of meeting her?  Oh by the way, she isn't going to appreciate your chatting with other women even if they are your mother, sister and children's mother.

Sexy Girl

You may come across way too many of these young and sexy types including those who are not really sexy at all, but just pretend to be.  After a few dates, some of these women are back to the jeans, long shirts, and tennis shoes with their hair tied back and no makeup--uh oh, is she still pretty?  Then you have the real, sexy women who might be a tad bit difficult to keep up with, because their sexiness is just a bit too hot too handle.  Men will turn their necks to take a look at your girl and might even slip her a number or two when you aren't looking.  None of your conservative female relatives, especially the married ones, will accept Ms. Sexy spreading all her lust all over the place.  Best to keep her to yourself!  Now could she be future marriage material, maybe?  But then again, maybe not if she doesn't know how to control her sexy.  She is the cheating type, so you will need to watch her!

Sweet Girl

Quiet, docile, ready to get married and have a baby or two, Sweet is going to be that one who makes time for you.  She is going to practically do whatever you suggest without complaint.  Sweet will even cook, clean, and rub your back.  This young woman might remind you of that good woman you left behind back in your youth.  She will stir up butterflies in your belly and bring some excitement in your mundane life.  Oh yeah, Sweet is a keeper.  But some older men, who are more interested in a good time, are better off leaving Sweet alone.  You don't want to break that girl's heart, chances are she has quite a few people who are close to her that would love to stir up some trouble with an old man that they really don't like the idea she is dating.

So there you have it, equipped with some useful knowledge about at least four popular types of young women you will meet on just about any dating website!  Choose wisely and be prepared to face the consequences when you don't live up to what you say.  Please come back to this site and share your experience, we would love it!

Nicholl McGuire is an author, blogger and Internet content producer.  Learn more about her here.

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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