
Are You Really Okay with Your Partner Dating Other People?

Some dates simply don't care what their mates do apart from them.  Couples will enter into mutual agreements where one is married, yet he or she has additional men or women they are having sex, attending events together and doing whatever else they like.  Others will exclusively date for a time until one or both get the bright idea to permit an additional person to enter their relationship.  Whether you agree with this sort of arrangement or not, it exists and some readers just might be their date's Girlfriend #2, 3 or even 4!  Young women will also play the field as well. Some will persuade their older boyfriends to go along with the program when found out.  Then of course, some people are so open and honest about their intentions, you can't help but stand still with your mouth wide open, "You want me to do what?" you might have said.

With so many people having a variety of creative fantasies of what they believe is a "good" relationship, one must know exactly what he or she wants before seriously committing to anyone or dating exclusively.  If you don't know what you want or have no boundaries, then you are one of those individuals who may be leaving yourself wide open for someone else to make up the rules as you get to know the person.

What exactly is the verbal agreement between a couple who really likes one another saying and not saying?  Are there others who are fulfilling your date's additional needs?  Could money and gifts be suffocating how some of you really feel about an arrangement you already agreed to and is now no longer satisfying?  Could the one asked to be a part of a wild relationship, withstand the pressure that might come about especially when people find out about one's lifestyle choice? 

Relatives, children, friends, in-laws, every dater has these connections, what one does with his or her life can potentially affect others.  Not everyone goes along with what the sub-culture does no matter how much the public is brainwashed that everyone is entitled to make their own decisions and "you should be more accepting..."  We all can make whatever choices we want, but are they sincerely the best?  How might family be impacted in the short or long-term if secrets come out?  Sometimes what people think are "just between you and me" end up in someone's photo album, video, audio, or heard about after a former date decided to tell the guys or gals.

If you feel that deep down inside, your unorthodox relationship is just not worth the time or stress anymore, then don't string your older or younger partner along, be at peace and go your own way!  The holidays have a way of amplifying poor decision-making especially when you are the one left alone on Christmas day.

Just something to think about.



His Money, The Ex and Their Kids: A Fictional Story of a Very True Reality

The young woman didn't know what she was getting herself into when she started dating the older man.  She thought that dating this wealthy, handsome man was just the thing she needed to uplift her dismal lifestyle.  The sexy, young woman had envisioned a lifestyle of travel, nice gifts, and romance.  It didn't matter to her that most of her ideas on dating older came from a television reality show.

As the months grew into years, the young woman noticed many things about the older man that she simply didn't like.  She wouldn't dare share all that she observed with loved ones and close friends, because years ago, they warned her not to date "that old man."  They were concerned about her because the older guy had a bitter ex, a fluctuating income and stubborn, spoiled children from what they had heard.  But she was in love, at least so the college graduate believed.  If she could deal with crazy parents and wild roommates, she had reasoned dating the mature man would be a peace of cake.  But it wasn't.

The young lady was depressed and ready to call it quits.  Five years had gone by and she was weary of the ex calling and her boyfriend being what he called, "cordial for the sake of kids."  She suspected that he cheated on her with the ex one time or another.  The young woman had flew off the handle one too many times when his children were around; therefore, her boyfriend was carrying some hidden resentment because of those past episodes.  He had his doubts about the relationship, wasn't interested in rekindling any fires with the ex, and really didn't want to have to parent his children.  The young woman was a nice distraction, a good babysitter, cook and housekeeper sometimes.  Yet, she really wasn't meant to be in his life for very long.

Talking with older women, brought some comfort for the niave youngster.  She learned that men in her boyfriend's age group "had issues."  She reflected on how she once was so captivated by her older friend's charm and thought about marriage and having children of her own with him, but not so much anymore.  The young lady was changing like her man's unstable bank account.  She didn't anticipate that practically over night, money would be no more, fancy trips would vanish, and some of his material wealth would be taken away or sold.  Even worse, she had to give up some things he bought her to help him!  The poor girl struggled with thoughts of loving her boyfriend and once loving his money.  She hurt inside and at times felt like a fool for being so shallow when it came to getting her needs met.  Why did she allow her independence to be suffocated by lust?

A child free, beautiful, single woman with her life to live should be happy living it, but not this young miserable woman.  She knows that she permitted someone older and very selfish to redirect her lifestyle to fit his needs.  When would she start living her life?  It was obvious from the look on her boyfriend's face he had already lived his.

So the takeaway from this short fictional work is know the truth about your partner and be certain that you and he are willing to be in a relationship for better or for worse, rather than string one another a long with everything else, but love.

Nicholl McGuire created a video to help those who are in emotionally and physically abusive relationships.  See here.


The reality: Being lonely and dating as a poor girl

When the Relationship is Coming to an End: Things the Young Woman Might Do

Some young women just can't handle rejection from older men especially those who have been taken care of by a Sugar Daddy type.  Like men, they too will do things to try to save their pride particularly if they aren't ready for a break up.   Getting a partner's attention is one of the most popular things an immature, young woman will do even after the older gentleman has said, "It's over!"

Dress provocatively.

She attempts to win him back in her arms by making herself even more appealing and sexy.  She thinks that if she can get him back in the bed, he will change his mind about her and the relationship.  It may sound silly, even strange, that she would put herself out like that, but this is what some young women will do.

Change her appearance.

Now for some women, rather than use her sex appeal to charm her former partner back into her arms again, she will do some things like change her hairstyle, color, or other things that either send a bold statement or a subtle one like, "See, what you are missing!  I will be fine without you.  I am focused on me.  I am a new and improved me, thanks to you!"


The tears flow every time you come around or call her.  She is pulling on your heart strings.  She wants "things to get better...I still love you...I really want this to work..."


She may use a happy countenance as a lure to get her older partner to pay her attention.  She figures that if she is jovial and fun to be around he won't mind being in her presence and will forget about breaking up with her.

Buy gifts.

Gift-giving works for the man who doesn't have much, but for the established man, not so much.  Yet, the young woman will try to win his affections by buying her man something she thinks he will really like in the hopes of getting back in his good graces!

Here are other things she might do to halt a breakup:

Pop over his house unannounced.

Do outlandish things like send a naked photo of herself or show up naked.

Act insecure and jealous especially when he mentions talking to other women whether they are family or not.

Pick fights.

Dress half-naked or wear very tight clothes around his friends while making conversation possibly exchanging phone numbers.

Threaten to expose her lover's secrets or share details of their relationship with others.

Yell/scream, in other words, make a scene in a public place.

Do drugs or drink heavily before meeting her former lover.

Talk about committing suicide.

Use pregnancy as a good reason for the two of them to work things out.  She may be pregnant, she may not be.  Go to doctor's visits with her to be sure--don't take a sonogram photo as proof alone and get a DNA test as soon as possible.

When a woman uses many of these tactics to keep a man, you have to wonder how stable is her mindset during a tough time.  Some women just are too fragile mentally to deal with breaking up, but staying with them knowing full well you no longer like, trust, or want to be around them is not good either.  Unfortunately, verbal and physical abuse will fester and may even become so bad that one might lose his or her freedom!  When the writing is on the wall that your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend is acting out of her mind, be sure to use the full extent of the law to keep you safe and anyone else you might be dating in the future.

Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate.



He's More Interested in Sex than a Relationship - What to do?

He came off too strong the last time you two were together.  His eyes were everywhere and his hands would have been too had you not stopped the horny guy.  You would like to go out with him again, but you wonder if it is going to be more of the same?  Yes, it will be if you keep teasing him with those lips, that dress, your gaze, sexy conversation, and whatever else you do that turns him on.  You might want to think twice about being alone with him.

Young women take chances dating men who obviously want more than just dinner and a movie.  He has told you over the phone what he wants and has also been quite bold in what he hopes to have happen the next time he sees you.  So what do some young women do?  They give into the wild man's desires even when these girls don't want to and unfortunately some get raped.

One must be on her guard when dating older men who are not acting like gentlemen, but more like men who haven't had sex in awhile.  You can't have a great time with someone who talks often about having sex when you know you aren't ready.  Think twice before going out with the man who can't seem to take "Later or in the future..." as a good enough answer.  Pushy men might be violent men, so be careful.

Some things you might want to do:

1.  Explain to him why he is turning you off with all his talk about having sex with you.

2.  Distance yourself from him by not answering your phone everytime he calls or opening your door when he comes around.  Talk with relatives and friends about your concerns if he keeps insisting that he wants to come over.

3.  Be prepared to fight if he doesn't respect your boundaries.  Have self-defense equipment and 911 on speed dial.

4.  Don't ride in the car with him and arrange to have a future date in a public space if you must go out with this "I need sex right now" guy again.

5.  You might feel the need to keep him in your life, but don't give up anything to get something, always find alternatives.  A sexual bond with someone who doesn't care much about you and vice versa can take a long time to get over and you might have many regrets as a result.  Young women have been known to have children they didn't want with men they were never attracted to.  They have also walked away with sexually transmitted diseases among other things because they compromised their personal beliefs to satisfy someone else's.  Don't let this happen to you!

When the writing is on the wall that your sexually-starved friend is more concerned about your body and less interested in anything else, don't think things will get better, because if you do what he likes, most likely he will find someone else to pursue in the future if you give up sex too soon.

Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate


7 Dating Tips for Older Men Meeting Young Women for the First Time

So you are excited about meeting your new date offline?  Your first meeting will be great if you just remember to relax, don't take yourself too seriously, and use your manners.  Now here are some other tips you might not have thought about.

One. Have a plan, a back up plan, and another plan on where you are taking your date.

First dates are the memorable ones, so you will want to work out a great plan. Interview her on what she might like to do, see and eat on the first date. Mention your interests. Find places that will meet both your needs. Have alternative plans that are near the area just in case an unforeseen circumstance takes place. But whatever you do, don’t wander aimlessly around looking for a place to go. Research the area before you arrive. If you can visit the community before you get there, do it. Google the location and check reviews. If one spot doesn’t work out, check out the next, and the next when all else fails, park in a nice spot and just talk until you can figure out where to go next. Keep your cool.

Two. Save money to be spent on your dating experience.

Don’t count on your date to have much. Young mothers with children don’t typically have a lot of money put aside for dating. A young woman in college maybe barely making ends meet. Just because she may be living independently or with parents, doesn’t mean she is able to afford an expensive outing with someone she is still getting to know. So avoid the temptation to ask her to split the bill, drive her car, or pay for gas. If you can’t afford to make a good impression, put it off. Remember the old adage, a first impression is a lasting one--don’t blow it!

Three. If things should go wrong, don’t lie or make lame excuses.

You spent too much time looking at yourself in the mirror, you fell asleep and forgot about the date, someone came over and you left late, whatever the reason, don’t focus on what you did wrong by lying, covering up, or exaggerating, apologize and then get right to making wrongs right. “Let me make this up to you, could I interest you in…would you like…I would love to help you with…” Statements like these sound much better than, “I didn’t think it was a good time to meet, but I know you wanted…You could have called me, you’re lucky I’m here…Everyone is always bothering me at the last minute, I would have been here sooner, but…” So is she going to have to feel your tension all evening?

Four. Look your best, be prepared to take a photo with her.

Skipping anything that you typically do to make yourself handsome can be detrimental when on a first date. When that special someone has seen you looking your best in many of your photos, she doesn’t want to suddenly see the gray-bearded guy who once had a black beard in all his photographs or the guy with the flat stomach suddenly have one now that he isn’t wearing a certain garment, shirt, or suit coat. The first photo is just as important as the first date, so be sure you have everything trimmed, colored, or whatever else it is that you do to look good.

Five. Be kind and respectful.

It is very easy to be yourself to the point that it turns a date off. Be yourself, but within reason. Don’t act overly macho, young and silly, or crazy and critical just because she shared a story once of a cool guy who saved her family or some funny guys back in high school. Most young women want what the older ones want, a polite man who is a good listener and sincerely cares about her.

Six Avoid the temptation of expecting her to have sex with you.

Just because you both were talking hot and heavy on the phone the other night, doesn’t mean that she is going to have sex with you. You never know what has transpired since the two of you last talked. So if she doesn’t bring it up, don’t say anything, but gently let her know with a flirty glance, “I wouldn’t mind.” From religious conviction to a menstrual cycle, many factors come into play when a woman just doesn’t seem interested in being intimate. Besides, you shouldn’t want a woman who is all-too-willing to get in bed with you without so much as thinking about a commitment.

Seven. Don’t assume that she wants to go out with you again.

Some men believe that they are a catch and that every woman should be honored to be in their presence. However, there is always one, two, three or more women who rather be anywhere then with an unattractive boring guy, a miserable man, a control freak, or crazy nut. Be sure that none of these descriptions fit you. Young women might be open to try something new for a time, but then when things get weird, they will gradually back off.

Taking the needed time to prepare for a date will not only make her feel comfortable, but you will feel good knowing that no matter what happens, you did your best. To your success!

Nicholl McGuire maintains other blogs as well, check out


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We have been blogging since 2007!  It feels good knowing that people are reading and obtaining a bit of wisdom, humor, and dating tips when it comes to finding and keeping a great companion.

So what is a blog entry without sharing more tips on dating older and younger?

If you are ready and willing to make changes when your own efforts have failed, then you are more likely to act on the tips this blog provides you.  People who have quality relationships are those who are open to accepting their mate's frailties and able to see their own personal flaws. 

When seeking that special someone or maintaining one's current relationship,
one knows that he or she can't afford to be too picky.  A lover enjoys a mate's company and isn't concerned about things like what his or her eyebrows look like and how the person laughs.  Instead of focusing on the little things that might annoy others, the lover focuses on everything that makes him or her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Love prevails even when one is dating older or younger.  Age doesn't matter when one is sold out and in love with a mate!  So for those who just don't get it, it isn't for you to "get it," just be positive and hope that the energy of a fresh romance rekindles a stale one!

In closing, be free to love a person in a way that you always wanted!  Sure, there are many voices that want to help you solve your dilemmas, better you, and so on, but what really matters is what you want so take what you learn and make it your own!  So enjoy the blog, there is more to come!

Nicholl McGuire Media

The Ugly Reality of Dating an Older Partner with Low T or Hormonal Issues

He isn’t going to tell you that his body was part responsible for ending his last relationship with someone who was close to his age. Instead, he is going to tell you that “things just didn’t work out.” His former partner who suffers with mood swings, hot flashes and more is not going to admit that her fluctuating emotions is what ran her husband out of the house and into the arms of another woman younger than she. Both will “act” as if that’s how life is, and so they move on, or do they?

Some menopausal wives recognize their actions and inactions in their marriages and will work hard to try to restore them even going so far as to say downright foolish things to try to keep their husbands. Then there are those men with health issues, who may still want to be with their wives, but not live with them, so they will try to live double lives. He may be with his wife on one day and then with his girlfriend on another day and so on.

Ashamed, miserable, and broken, what once was is no more for some couples who have been together for 10 plus years. Yet, for others, their younger partners become nothing more than past times until the former couple gets whatever needs to be fixed in their minds, bodies and spirits. An aha moment comes and before long, he is wanting to get remarried to his ex, she is desiring a baby, and the two believe that they will live happily ever after--not likely. The two have left behind a trail of broken hearts, the older man and his menopausal wife. They act as if everything is okay with the world until an ex shows up with some bad news, a former lover just finds it hard to let go, and someone else is not going away without a fight in court.

There is a price to pay when one doesn’t take care of his or her issues within a relationship before stepping out on his wife or husband. A young woman can become pregnant by an older man, even with low T (testosterone) issues, and before long, that relationship becomes nothing more than another chapter in history. The menopausal wife may find that a fling here and there with a younger gentleman suitor just isn’t worth it, but then later learns she is carrying an incurable sexually transmitted disease.

Why couldn’t he have stuck it out with his wife before wrecking havoc on someone else? Why couldn’t his wife hang in there a little longer? The emotional roller coaster of a ride comes into play with younger partners when the older ones make promises that they know they can’t keep.

“I love you…I am over my wife…Don’t worry I will take care of you…my husband and I are getting a divorce…” The younger person should be thinking, “Well, if that happens great, but I’m not sticking around. I can find someone else with less baggage.”

One must be cautious of those who have been displaying irresponsible behaviors--acting more like a rebellious teen, rather than a grown up. When the low T lover desires to live a more active lifestyle even when mind and body is saying otherwise, look out! He may act like that today, but totally different tomorrow. Then there is his wife who acts like she is in love one minute and then hates men the next. Young people are caught in the middle of mayhem wondering, “What is up with these so-called mature adults?”

Not every person deemed “mature” really is. Not every older man is caring, nurturing, and able to provide a lifestyle of security. Not every older woman is patient, sweet, and wants sex all the time. Contrary to what many may have heard and read about “the older date,” there are many who have issues due to things like: bad eating, addictions, trauma, mental issues and chronic health ailments. These people do not turn out to be what a younger person might expect after much Internet reading, interviewing others on their experiences, and going out on several dates or more. Smiling photographs of older people dating younger don’t reveal the issues that many couples face due to age differences. Sure it sounds nice as long as the older partners are single, healthy, active, and mentally sound, but when things change, one must be prepared for all sorts of challenges.

Once the writing is on the wall, so to speak, don’t try to put your own spin on truth, see it for what it really is and ask yourself, “Do I really want to go on this journey with my low T lover or my moody menopausal partner?” Keep in mind, sooner or later, the ride will end either with the young person still seated in the passenger seat alone, kicked off the ride, or ready for another one with his or her mature partner.

Nicholl McGuire

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

a good man about us abused older men abused young women addictions advice choosing young women to date advice dating an older man advice for men dating young women advice for older men dating younger women advice for rich men advice for teen seeking older men advice for young mothers dating older single men advice for young wise women advice for young women dating troubled older men advice for young women seeking older men advice for young women who want babies with older men advice for younger women dating married men advice for younger women dating older players advice older man dating younger woman african american men age difference age gap dating andropause arguments bad date bad men bad relationship blog owner books boring men break up advice cheating childhood issues christian dating cohabitation Comments comparing older and younger men controlling older men crazy old men crazy young women daddy issues dates dating a womanizer dating advice for dating aging narcissists dating apps dating boring older men tips dating mistakes dating multiple people dating older guys dating older men tips dating older men video dating older men younger women dating older people dating stubborn men dating the wrong older man dating tips for older men dating tips for younger women dating violence dating warning signs dating websites dating well-dressed gentlemen dating young single moms dating younger women depression divorce domestic violence emotional abuse emotionally cold older men engaged engagement ring erectile dysfunction ex exercise faith family drama father daughter relationship female friends financially broke older men first date forgetful older man friends with benefits gift ideas gold diggers haters horny older men how to attract men how to attract younger women how to date older men how to date younger women how to get a guy to buy you things how to get exposure on this site how to keep older man interested how to look good to a woman how to tell if guy likes you human trafficking humor husband immature men immature women in love independent young women insecure women internet dating interracial dating irresponsible older men jealous women lies lifestyle choices loneliness lover lust male midlife manscaping marriage married older men mature men mature women maturity May-December celebrity couples May-December relationships meeting with family meeting with friends mens clothes mental health middle age midlife crisis midlife crisis stories midlife women mixed feelings dating older men mixed feelings dating younger women money narcissists no good men obese men obese young women old fools older man dating younger woman experiences older man issues older man wants children older men and pain older men dating teenagers older men grooming tips older men health older men secrets one night stand online dating advice online flirting personal experiences dating older men personal experiences married to older man personality disorders physical attraction pmdd pms poem for the older men poem for the young women poor older men pregnancy problems with broken women progesterone prostitution regrets relationship problems relationships religion respect rich older men selfish older men sex with older man sex with younger woman sexual abuse sexy young women shopping shyness tips sociopath spiritual messages spirituality stalking stds stupid men sugar babies sugar daddy testosterone tired older men travel unattractive older men unclean older men unloved valentines day verbal abuse what to expect when dating older men why younger women date older men women who hate men women's health wounded men yound womens feelings about older men young celebrities dating older young woman married to older man young woman not into older man young women dating older men young womens feelings about older men


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