
Lies of the Broke, Busted and Disgusted: The So-Called Rich Older Man

A gorgeous young woman and an older, (not-so attractive) possibly rich, man strike up a conversation. 

The young woman tosses back her hair and finds the older man funny, unique, she likes what she hears. As for the older man, he likes what he sees.  For weeks, the two exchange laughs and eventually numbers.  As their friendship grows, the older man shares details about his successes in life and future plans to relocate, buy a bigger house, and share his wealth with someone special.  Music to the potential sweetheart's ears whose eyes seek gold.  The gullible woman, who doesn't have much experience dating men young or old, believes almost everything the so-called well-to-do businessman says--that is until she notices the older man's present life isn't necessarily reflecting all the riches and glories he talks about.

The supposedly rich man's wallet is often empty.  His clothes a bit worn and his shoes don't shine.  He rarely goes anywhere, but home after work and even his work hours aren't always consistent.  Car trouble is frequent and sometimes the rich man's cell phone number is off, yet the young woman doesn't think too much about it.   She shakes off those little details, because "they don't mean anything, there are plenty of men that don't dress up and don't carry cash--no big deal," she convinces herself.  But stories aren't adding up and witnesses don't believe the hype, yet she continues to have faith in her rich, old friend.

This observant young woman's concerns begin to increase.  Puzzled by her braggart rich guy, the recent college graduate starts to question his lifestyle.  Feeling like he might lose his friendship with the nice young lady who is so very helpful to him, the old man has to embellish a few stories, so he starts talking about "When I get my money from an investment I made some years back, I will do for you...When I receive my settlement check from...I will help you....If everything goes well with this upcoming deal, I will share some money with you..."  So the starry-eyed young female perks up and waits and waits and waits for the manipulative older man to make good on his promises.  But nothing happens.

Some of you men and women reading this may have experienced something like the previous story or you heard about someone in a situation like this.  It is sad to say the least.  A lonely, desperate man who doesn't want a lovely lady to slip through his hands will say just about anything to keep her near.  Meanwhile, the vibrant young woman will put off the fact that she isn't the least bit attracted to the poor man posing as a rich man, but his promises of a financially secure future sound good to her ears.  When she begins to experience jilted feelings, especially after giving her sexy body to a man who should have never laid eyes on it, she starts looking visibly irritated with him whenever he comes around, and she just might argue with him about almost anything.  The frustration of "...not having," "...putting up with," and "What more can I take from this man?" types of emotions begin to drive the bitter woman crazy.  She yells out one day, "I thought you said you would help me with..."  The once charming man worried that he might have to defend himself from his girlfriend's flailing arms, yells back,  "I told you I would help you, now stop talking about it!  And besides you need to be patient, because I really don't have to give you anything!"  Uh oh, this old man better run for the door!  Weeks and weeks of hoping, wishing, and waiting on something based on promises from an older person, the young woman becomes increasingly disrespectful.  She begins to think, "How might I get rid of this nusiance that is doing nothing more than bringing me down?  I have a life to live!  I am still young, I don't need this old loser!" 

Unlike the young woman in that story, a discerning youthful woman won't fall for such traps set by sneaky, lustful, old, poor men.  Rather than entertain them, she tells herself, "They are too old for me.  I don't want anything to do with old men."  She most likely has been schooled by old players on the games that some of these foolish men play to get between her legs.  Side note:  If you are a father, are you teaching your daughter on the pros and cons of dating older men? 

Both rich and poor men lie.  But a poor man who plans to capitalize off a young woman who can barely keep a savings account is pathetic!  And a young woman who holds on to a broke, unattractive old man she could care less about in the hopes that he will bless her bank account is equally pathetic!  There is no love between these two no matter what they say and who knows them, both are using one another until one day one or both of them wake up to the truth.

"So you were never getting any money, were you, old man?"
"No, I'm sorry."
"I knew you were lying to me!  Why do I always fall for your type?"
"Oh, stop it!  You never loved me anyway, little girl."

Nope, she never did.  Rather, she was in love with his promise and he was in lust with her beauty.

Nicholl McGuire


Humor: How To Land An Older Man

A funny video that for some women and men is all too true!  Save the act young ladies and just be yourself!

The Older He Gets, The More He Forgets! The 60+ Mature Man

From observing the older men in my life, I noticed that many of them 60+ start to forget things.  Wives and girlfriends have to scurry around their homes, check the car, and look here and there for missing things.  Sometimes there is much tension in the air, because it has been the third time this week that one's beau has misplaced car keys, wallet and cell phone.  "Now where did I put my things?"  the 60+ male says with frustration in his voice.

Let's face it, the aging process is inevitable whether one likes it or not!  Sometimes it comes slowly for some middle-aged men and women and quickly for others based on one's stress levels and overall health.  There are rich, older men who attempt to spend the most money on the best items for hair, skin, nails, body, and more, because the thought of their bodies breaking down one day scares them.  Then there are some mature men who simply don't care what happens, they personally believe, like fine wine, they get better with age.  Whatever one's perspective on getting older, there will be those days that one will be looking and acting his age like the forgetful guy who misplaces his valuables.  Unfortunately, some younger women suddenly realize (after much love, affection, and money has been invested into them) that observing their mates getting older isn't something that they can handle and so off they go.

Do you know if you, being a younger woman or older man, have the patience to endure an active youth or an aging adult?  Can the younger woman sit back and observe her older man go through his middle years without running for the door every time he reaches a new milestone in his life and vice versa?  Maybe the older man, back when he was in his 40s, was fun to be around, but then when 50+ came along someone else showed up, what is she going to do now?  Dating someone older isn't for everyone and if some things are just too much, too soon, then slow down and think about what your future with your younger or older partner might look like. 

Some older women can attest to dating men their own age and becoming easily irritated with them, because some of their behaviors remind them that they too are aging.  They will admit that it isn't always easy dealing with a man who isn't happy or comfortable with getting older.

The younger woman must recognize that when her mature man forgets what she has told him, where he placed something, or how to get from Point A to Point B, that his issue of forgetfulness might be simple or complex depending on one's family history, health condition, and other factors, but don't take it personal!  Encourage your boyfriend/husband to get a check up.  Notice what he is eating and not eating and whether or not he is staying fit--a downward decline of one's health will affect the mind in the long term.  Think of how some people in your own family let themselves go over the years. 

Despite yet another challenge in this May-December relationship, for the ladies, try to be sweet to him and remind your fellow old soul that you love, admire and appreciate him.  And for the mature men, be real with yourself, you are getting older and with aging comes change, no sense in fighting about it, so you forgot where you took off your underwear for the umpteenth time, it doesn't mean you have Alzheimer's or does it?  Stay up on your health!

Nicholl McGuire


When the Only Thing a Sugar Daddy Has Going for Him Is He's Rich

Let's face it, some sugar daddies just aren't easy on the eyes and don't necessarily have a gift for entertaining a pretty young woman, you might be one of them.  So with that, there are some things that you will need to do to boost your strengths and downplay your weaknesses.

1.  Take care of yourself.

Far too many older men let themselves go.  The young woman looks at that nice photograph from yesteryear and dreams of having met you in your youth.  Before you go showing off those past photos, in an attempt to win her over with your past beauty, try keeping her interested in the modern day you.  Watch eating things that help pack on pounds around your mid-section.  Don't ignore health issues.  For instance, visit your doctor and dentist and share your concerns with them.  Trim your hair (dye it or upgrade it), cut your toe nails, and get unsightly things removed or changed where applicable.  Why permit yourself to go downhill just because you have reached a certain age?

2.  Be polite and considerate.

Sweet, inspirational, and loving responses and phrases used to keep a young woman interested in you go a long way--this is what puts the "Sugar" in Daddy!  Before long, she is forgetting about you being short, overweight, gray, and wrinkled.  Write your thoughts, speak your feelings, or buy a book, artwork, keepsake, or card that comes from the heart. 

3.  Look for opportunities to do kind deeds.

There are selfish, miserable rich older and younger men who simply don't have the time, patience, or know-how when it comes to having a quality relationship with women.  There are so many ways to show your appreciation and admiration of your younger partner.  Think of things she likes, needs, and hopes for and try to help her in whatever way you can.  From small tokens that make her life easier to help with paying bills, the fact still remains that some older, unattractive men get all the nice-looking ladies because they are good listeners and generous.

4.  Explain noticeable flaws.

Some flaws simply can't be hidden; therefore when she questions, "What is that?  How did that happen?  Why do you act that way?"  Be prepared to speak truth, but don't share so much information that she becomes fearful, worried, or start to wonder if she can catch what you got.  For example, if you really like your date and desire to be with her exclusively, be open to talking about things like an incurable sexually transmitted disease--don't fail to mention it, and always remember to protect yourself and your partner.

5.  Show much interest in your young partner's world.

Competition is fierce when it comes to dating a very attractive woman, so an unattractive man must stand out from the crowd by paying his young partner more attention than most men.  He has to genuinely care about her and be willing to offer her the kind of love and appreciation that touches her soul.

Keep in mind there are young women who will look pass your flaws when they can see your inner strengths manifest externally.  Do what you can to improve your self physically, mentally and spiritually.


5 Younger Women Woes

So what exactly goes through a mind of a young woman with a bright future ahead of her?  A lot!  She wants it all!  A life of happiness, joy, love, and money.  But all too often, her dreams are dashed by a bad breakup, an unexpected pregnancy, student loan debt, and unresolved issues with parents.  Oh yes, there is much to be expected when dating a young woman who is seemingly intelligent with a job and a couple of hobbies for her mental release.

Young women have their share of concerns like an older man, and their issues are not all heartfelt, deep, and mysterious.

1.  She is concerned about her looks and sometimes worry about what she will look like when she gets older.

From makeup to clothes, even if she isn't drop-deap gorgeous and high maintenance, she is interested in self improvement.  She wants nice things and she doesn't want to feel guilty or angry at her partner about buying them either.  Most likely, she has been told, "You won't be young forever!"

2.  She cares immensely for family and friends (that is if certain ones haven't been that bad.)  When she wants to talk to and see her loved ones, she will go to great lengths to do just that even complaining on the way to her parent's home.  But if they have treated her or others wrongly often, she has little, if any, time for them or her partner's people.

3.  She desires a relationship and possibly children one day, but she doesn't want to be pressured into having or not having them by a certain age.  If she is still very much concerned about her looks and personal needs, why would she want to make a conscientious sacrifice to have children because someone else wants them?  One way an independent woman, who is energetic, people-loving, and career-driven will settle with a husband and have children in her twenties, is if she slips on the birth control.  And if this happens, be prepared for a myriad of emotions (happy, sad, depressed, angry, insensitive, rude, impatient, etc.)  Most young women don't want to settle down before they are ready. (See When Mothers Cry

4.  She hopes to have enough money to maintain a decent living, so she isn't happy until she finds that her career choice is paying off and she has some help that will make her life easier.

If a young woman has settled in the past with someone who was more of a burden than a blessing, she will most likely avoid being in a relationship with someone who wants her to abandon her career while he saves money toward his future.

5.  She has no need for religion in good times, but when in bad, she looks for the nearest church, relative or friend to help her through challenging times.

Most young women are not diehard believers in any faith.  They know of a Creator or choose not to believe in one; but rather look to themselves for answers.  But when things go wrong, lots of things, these women will run to people, who they feel like they can trust, to help them make sense of challenging times.  Some will become overzealous at first, but gradually die down when they first join a group.  Others will move on to something else if they can't experience the peace they have hoped for.  While others will become bitter if they have been mistreated in anyway by faith leaders and their members and may become easily offended and argumentative if one attempts to share his or her beliefs.

Of course, there are more younger women woes, but these are the common ones that tend to show up in various conversations, on tee-shirts in slogans or pictures, in magazines that she reads and movies that she watches, and wall hangings--Beauty, Friendship, Romance, Money, and Faith--if you can touch her soul and lifestyle, you just might have a friend for life!

Nicholl McGuire  is the author of When Mothers Cry, a book for people interested in reading about the challenges of motherhood and how to solve some dilemmas when it comes to relationships, parenting, grandparents, in-laws, and more.


What to Expect When Joining Rich Men Dating Sites

You may be a newbie when it comes to using dating sites.  If so, be prepared before you register and know that the following information is typical of most sites.  You might pay a monthly charge, you will be required to submit a photo, and most of all people will want to meet you--some sooner, others later.  Know what to expect before you join a rich men dating site.

1.  Fees

Registration is typically free, but then there is a monthly fee that may be charged later for service.  Find out what that fee is upfront and check the site for ways to discontinue service once you have met your match.  "What the!?  I didn't know your company charged me that much!  I wasn't even on the site that long...get this &^%$# off my credit card!"  You don't want to be that guy or gal in the future, so read the terms, don't scroll, read!

2.  Write a profile

Know yourself and what you like and don't like.  Create a brief introduction of who you are and what you are looking for.  But don't list so many of your likes and dislikes that it makes future dates cringe.  Write how you speak.  Let your profile be a good representation of who you are.  This way a future date can get a good idea what he or she might be getting his or herself into dating you.  "So this is why his last relationship didn't work," the hot twenty-something buxom blond ponders.

3.  Upload pictures

Take the time to have photos taken that show not only your face, but your body, hair and teeth too.  Permit people to see your flaws (like a mark on your chin); rather than surprising them later with it.  "Hey Jenny, I didn't tell you, my eye is fake, see!" Her date removes it from his eye socket.  "Oh my God!" Jenny screams.

4.  Chat

Take the time to ask meaningful questions.  Compliment people when they are saying something you like.  Express your opinion in a respectful manner when you don't agree with members.  "I really think what you said was very inspiring, I would very much like to discuss more over dinner..."  He shoots, he scores!

5.  Videos

Attach videos where applicable that show off your personality.  Be yourself not an A-list actor--even they have their bad days.  Ever see one without his or her makeup, tummy tuck suit, and fake hair?  Ugh!

6.  Instant messaging

Many sites will permit members to send messages in real time.  You may be bombarded with messages if you visit multiple member profiles the next day.  So if you don't want people to chat with you almost immediately when you log on, turn off your notifications.  What's with all the bells ringing and text boxes, how did they know I was checking them out last night!? the new member complains.

7.  Search engine features

Some sites have many features including the ability to search for detailed specifics.  So if you are looking for someone tall, dark and handsome, list the ethnicity, measurement, and something about one's hair or eye color to see what comes up.  Years ago I searched for white men, and I got two black men come up--huh!?  I married one of those guys--the black one who wasn't the starving actor.

8.  Forums

There are sections of a dating site that will allow you to express your opinion of the site, share information with other members, and more.  Do take advantage of those forums and who knows, you might find a love interest in one.  Hopefully, he or she isn't pretending to be a woman or a man--scary!  

9.  Questions from available singles about everything from your favorite color to are you a virgin might come up.

Expect members to ask you to share much about yourself.  Be honest, but don't reveal so much about yourself so soon that you end up with an on or offline stalker.  Keep record of all texts, emails and other notes that appear strange, weird, or written from a wannabe disciple of Christ or Satan looking for his or her future recruit.

10.  Requests for contact information, a meeting in person, and even help with the bills might happen.

At some point, someone who is interested in dating you will want to contact you and see you in person.  Be prepared for any and all requests.  Know how you will respond without running the person away.  "What do you take me for, your daddy?  I'm not giving you s^&*!" Yes, people will say things online rather harshly especially if they are having a bad day with the mother or father of the children you know nothing about--at least not yet.

Most rich men dating sites are reputable, but sometimes there are a few that are nothing more than rip-offs.  If you are serious about meeting your future partner through a rich man dating site, be sure to learn as much as you can about the site and the members that interest you.  Dedicate time to writing and talking to the people you meet online.  If you have no time online to share who you are, what makes you different than the rest etc., your potential dates will assume you will have no time for them in the future. 

Nicholl McGure is the author of Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street and other books.  Feel free to show your support by purchasing one of my many books at or

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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