
Married Men will be Home for the Holidays

For the young women hoping that the married man will be with them during the holidays, think again!  If he does come around, he would have told a fantastic lie to relatives in order to get out of the home during the evening or late at night which he just might avoid being that family holidays is a time for togetherness.  If you see the married man before or during a holiday, it will be between his errand running and he will obviously look stressed and will be in a rush.  Wives may be busy, but not too busy to notice that something is a bit strange about their spouses.

These other women await for their unavailable men's return to their beds in the hopes that things will get back to the way they were. They hope the gifts of money, time and affection will continue as usual.  However, the holidays have a way of changing some men's hearts, minds and bank accounts when it comes to their other women.  No sense in acting like a crazed woman if the married man says, "Listen, I really don't think we should keep seeing each other.  I don't think it is a good idea..."

While these young women had hoped for babies to their new lovers, serious relationships or their older men to divorce their wives, there will be an unexplained energy in the air, the kind that includes prayers and curses coming their way depending on the kind of men these women decided to connect with.  As much as men and women reason that all is okay despite saying wedding vows before a supernatural God, the reality is, it isn't--it  really isn't.  Consider the countless media stories of scorned wives and lovers going off the deep end as a result of being cheated on and lied to.  Until a man is divorced, he shouldn't be leading any woman on, making her believe that he is ready to move on with his life when it is obvious, he is not.  So many men manipulate women then wonder why these sweet, beautiful young woman turn into crazy, obsessed b*tches, don't wonder, get out while you still have a mind and body intact as well as your freedom.  See blog on dating and domestic violence as well as other abuses 

Women, who have been in relationships with the following types of unavailable men such as:  married men,  married abused men, abusive married men, or are involved with married Sugar Daddies, know what it feels like when it seems like one's world is mysteriously getting worse fooling around with these backslidden Christian oath takers who stood before a group of people to declare their love for wives knowing full well they never loved God, his church or the wives they are committed to! 

From health to finances, the young woman has more problems to solve while the unavailable man becomes less and less in their lives until he is no more!  Babies born in these relationships never fully get to know their fathers.  They are often forgotten about sooner or later, because the married man has to keep his mess away from his supposedly happy home. 

One or both know when an affair is coming to an end when usually the married man is not acting as kind, patient and generous like he once was.  He may find excuses not to come around his lover anymore or blatantly express his feelings of guilt, resentment, and anger toward wife and lover(s).

To eliminate some of the personal drama, it would make sense for any woman or man in a troubled relationship like this to end it, but there is always that but...or butt that makes things difficult.  If this describes your situation, one way of relieving some of the tension is to keep away from all things that tempt you to want to go back to a lover.  If her smile attracts you, rid yourself of images on and offline that remind you of her.  If seeing him at a nearby workplace makes you want him, then avoid watching him and going to that place whenever possible.  If she is one of your Facebook friends, a part of a dating network, a co-worker, or is in or around your home, or lives nearby, you will need to stop making an effort to talk and be with this young lady. 

People ignore one another everyday and when you are determined to get on with your life and rid yourself of past mistakes, you don't keep inviting them back into your world.  If a baby is involved, you have no choice but to do your part to help the young woman and your baby.  If you are a married father reading this, you most likely will have to share this information with your spouse if the young woman plans on letting the world know about the baby via the court system, media, or confronting your wife and other relatives. 

Most young women and older married men find each other as a source of escape from troubled marriages and mundane lifestyles.  It was a process to get together and it will be a process to break up, but it can be done.  Who wants to keep waiting by the phone for a call all hours of the day and night or worry over whether he or she is sleeping with someone else, stressed about money and gifts, or concerned that someone with a taste for blood just might find out about the relationship?

A man or woman who doesn't want to have to deal with the adrenaline rush of keeping secrets and telling lies during what is supposed to be a happy season, will stay home at least for a time.  Having an affair is work.  Telling lies and trying to keep up with those lies is exhausting.  Remembering to address the needs of a wife, tend to work responsibilities, and do for children and other relatives is hard work.  Then there is that young woman who thinks to herself, "What on earth did I get myself into?"  Free yourself.

Happy Holidays!
Nicholl McGuire


7 Inexpensive Gift Ideas for the Older Man

A young woman just can't go wrong if she knows her older man's taste, but if he isn't one for being specific about his preferences, here are some gift ideas that are useful and will make him smile!

1.  Wrinkle-free dress shirts.  A professional man with a tight schedule doesn't like ironing or at times dropping off or picking up clothing from the cleaners.  The young woman might purchase quality shirts in navy blue, gray or white for her mature man. To play it safe, avoid bright colors and bold prints.

2.  Cologne is a good idea when you have some idea what he already has.  If he enjoys subtle colognes like a musk or others that you can smell before he hits the door, you might want to do your research and let him smell some cologne samples before you buy one.  However, if he is an allergy sufferer, pass on this gift idea, and instead get some useful hair and body items that are fragrance free and are designed for sensitive skin.

3.  Ties along with a nice set of cuff links are a great gift if he is often in the public or travels to formal events.  If you go along with this idea, be sure you have checked out what he already has to get some idea of his taste.  Don't take a chance wasting your money on something silly just because you like it.  He most likely will laugh about it, but he won't wear it.

4.  Avoid jewelry unless you have been with the gentleman for a long time and know his taste well.  Although a major purchase might flatter him, you don't want to go broke in the hopes of a serious commitment and nothing comes of it.  Expensive gift items have a way of conveying exclusivity.  You also don't want to be disappointed during your gift exchange only to find out the item he bought for you was inexpensive and meaningless.  Instead of jewelry, get him something that helps him organize what he already has.  So if he has many necklaces, rings, or cufflinks, seek out a nice-looking organizer.

5.  Printed media is always a great gift for someone who loves to read, but not so much for the man who enjoys watching television or movies online.  So be sure the media you choose goes along with his preference.

6.  Collectible items are great gifts if you know what he enjoys collecting.  If he has a favorite team, you might want to get something within reason to add to his office décor or his "man cave."

7.  Spiritual men love anything that reaffirms their faith, makes them feel good, and is helpful to their godly assignments.  So if you know how to pray, ask God to lead you to something that is worthwhile.  Beautiful plaques, cups, framed pictures, key chains, book covers, book marks, and other Christian items make for great gifts.

Other items you might want to look out for on sale include: sweatshirts, belts, socks, underwear, hats with favorite teams/logos, and useful electronics under $100.

Nicholl McGuire also shares spiritual insight on YouTube channel: nmenterprise7 as well as links to other useful sites.  See here.


Symptoms of Low Testosterone - 5 Signs That You've Lost Your Testosterone

Chasing Young Women - When the Older Man Has Had Enough

He may have dated many young women, had sex with them, bought them, and kicked them out when they stepped out of line, but as he grows older, he no longer finds them worth chasing.  Sure, the rich, older guy has some good memories, enjoyed their company, and learned some new things, but a man who has outgrew loveless relationships and has more important things on his mind, isn't the least bit interested in entertaining or being entertained by young women.

Yet, some women think they can make a fool of an older guy by flashing him with a smile like many have done before, show off yet another pair of boobs, a behind in a tight skirt, long shapely legs, and high heels.  They will share their material requests in the hopes that he will honor them.  There was that time in his life he would have bedded these young women, gave them some cash, and sent them back home to boyfriends, but not anymore.  Times are indeed changing for the older gent.

Sometimes a man doesn't have to experience a mid-life crisis in order to reach a place in his life where he reflects on his haves and have-nots.  Rather, he simply ponders on what more he has to do before he closes his eyes.  Although he is grateful for those good times of chasing women, he realizes that he has other roles in his life that have fallen by the wayside during those skirt-chasing days.  For some men, they have sons that need to see what an honest, upright, confident, and educated man looks like and daughters in need of their fathers.  So they know that showing off their weakness for sex wouldn't be a good idea when a boy is ready to become a man while a daughter is trying to learn more about men.  Chances are his son has already took in more than a few scents of girls/women and is ready to learn more about what life has to offer besides sex and sports.  As for his daughter, she most likely have already cried her first tears over a boy or man.  But who is there to teach sons and daughters when an old guy is distracted by trivial things?

Older men, who have various health issues,  know that life hasn't been too kind to them during their days of partying.  They are well aware that their final days will soon come to an end, so they intend to make the most of them without additional stress coming from young or old women.  They hope to live the kind of lifestyle that they and their relatives will no longer feel ashamed about.  So they clean up their act, visit a church, read a good book or two, and try to live righteously.

Unsuspecting young women who believe that all they need to do to keep a mature, rich gentleman is dress themselves up and be willing to do what he asks, are surprised when, without notice, their lovers no longer have need of them.  They question what might be wrong, wonder if they have done something to offend them, or think their men have met other young women.  However, for some of these men they simply have had enough of living a lie or conducting themselves in a way that they no longer find fulfilling.  If the young woman should attempt to make the older guy change his mind about a life change, she might catch his wrath.  A determined man that desires change, can also be an evil one.  He doesn't want to be talked out of how he feels and the things he wants to do without her.

Most men, both young and old, are just not like the way they are portrayed on television screens wanting nothing more than a remote and a hot chick.  They really aren't that interested in having their lives dominated by pretty women even though many believe such nonsense.  In addition, they are not all that willing to spend their money on someone else either especially once they have retired.  An attractive, young woman is like a Christmas tree, she might come out every now and then to be admired, touched, decorated, and more, but she isn't meant to be the center of the mature guy's life on a daily basis particularly when he knows he is unwilling to put the money and time in to keep her looking and feeling beautiful.

Nicholl McGuire


In and Out of Love with Someone Older

It is a great feeling when you finally meet someone you are compatible with.  The individual is mature, attractive, wealthy, and enjoys your company.  You are happy with your selection and look forward to the future.  Of course, there are those issues that come up as you learn more about a lover--the kind of things that will stop the butterflies from fluttering in your stomach.  As a young person, you will discover that as much as you would like to remain in a bubble concerning the mature person you are dating, there will be those not-so appealing things about him or her that will burst your bubble.

Being in love with someone older doesn't have to be one of those things that stops, feelings for someone can go on and on if you let them.  If your focus is on the positive and your partner is willing to remain faithful to you, you can continue to be in love.  When one is kind and respectful to his or her partner and the actions are reciprocated, then there are no worries about the relationship.  But those people in relationships that tend to have many concerns about their age gap partnership is due to the way they are being treated by their mates.  If a partner is rude, impatient, unkind, and frugal, then there isn't any wonder why things aren't working out.

To be in love with anyone, not just someone a decade or two older, one must be willing to do the kind of things that will keep a partner interested in being with him or her and vice versa.  Yet, for some mature people, they simply don't have the energy or time to devote to another human being after spending years of dating and being married to one or more than a few.  As a result, some will not stay interested in being with a young partner for long.  Those that are burnt out with relationships and all that comes with them, find them meaningless, temporary, sex tiring, conversation mundane, and so on.  It doesn't matter how young, nice or compatible, when a mature person isn't interested in being in a relationship there will be enough signs to let you know.  With such a negative view when it comes to settling down with yet another partner, an older person (or young person) experiencing such feelings is far from being in love.  If anything, he or she should get out of the relationship as soon as possible before causing anymore damage. 

Selfish, negative people steal joy.  They don't permit others to love in the way they so desire.  They can be difficult, angry people who often disagree, fault-find, and hate various people, places and things for any number of reasons.  Unfortunately, the older some people get, the worse they can be.  This is why some mature men and women are unable to keep young partners (or those the same age), because they are uncomfortable with the aging process, unhappy with life decisions, and bitter because they didn't accomplish goals over the years.  They don't find getting older a good experience especially when a young person is able to remember more things than they, have the patience for new technology, and enjoy learning new things.  Some can be quite jealous of young people because they have plenty of time to get things right, so they assume.

Once it is discovered that there are far too many differences in personalities and years, the couple will eventually separate.  Whatever drew them together, no longer is strong enough to keep them together.
The process of breaking up might be difficult at first for the older as well as young person, but in time both will be content with knowing they made a good decision.  It is never a good idea to stick it out with someone you know you are no longer in love, like or lust with.

Nicholl McGuire


He's Rich, You're Not - So What is the Problem?

Young lady, you don't anticipate any issues when you start off dating a wealthy, older gentleman that has more money than you since you assume you both are in agreement when it comes to your dating arrangement.  You supply the rich man's needs (whatever those might be) and he supplies yours.  But problems do arise when a successful gentleman continues to spend his cash on you while you continue to happily receive.  But what might those issues be?

1.  He will begin to think that you are taking advantage of him.

If too many days go by and you are not holding up your end of the bargain, the older gentleman might think you are taking his kindness for weakness.  He expects that the arrangement you both agreed to will be fair.  If you feel that his demands are too much, you might want to rethink your relationship or arrangement with this individual.

2.  He will assume you're just what others had warned him about, "A gold-digger."

Sometimes guilty feelings have a way of catching up to people.  You will know that someone is whispering something in his ear negative about you and/or the relationship by the way he treats you.  To avoid verbal abuse, blaming, physical harm or anything that might be harmful to you, don't stick around if the guilt-ridden older man has made it plain that he doesn't want to be in the relationship any longer for any number of reasons whether they make sense to you or not.  It is better to escape early on then take someone abusing you verbally or physically due to guilt or shame.

3.  He will act negatively toward you if he should suddenly take an unexpected financial hit.

Some men just don't do well when it comes to spending, saving, or investing money.  Rather than do what is right when it comes to financial planning, they will blame everyone around them hoping to feel better about their mistakes.  If you know you are with someone who pretends to do well with money, but from the looks of things you know different, move on especially when he refuses to listen to sound advice.

4.  He may grow weary of assisting you financially.

When you start to feel like you are a burden to him, don't ask him for anything, create some distance, and plan to create your own wealth.  However, keep this in mind, that if he starts taking from you and you feel unfulfilled, don't hesitate to express how you feel about what he is and isn't doing for you.

5.  He might apply pressure on you to do more with your life.

One way a rich man wants you to stay out of his pocket is to encourage you to better yourself.  From suggesting you go back to college to telling you about an available position at a local company, the older man wants you to make your own money.  This is actually a good thing, because you are able to learn, grow and appreciate life more because you are in control of your own destiny.

As much as a young lady would like to reason that there is nothing wrong with dating a man for his wealth, know that sooner or later his riches will become an issue particularly when you don't have your own.

Nicholl McGuire maintains and contributes to another relationship blog here.

Tips Dating Older Men, Young Women Blog Topics

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